What was the nature of the divisions at Corinth that concerned Paul?
The divisions were based on personalities Some said they followed Paul, others Appollos, others Peter (Cephas), and still others Christ. Perhaps today it could be compared in the political world to the different parties or even different personalities of each party. I am a follower of Obama, or H Clinton, or Huckabee, or Thompson, or Gulianni, or Edwards, and on an on... when in fact we lose sight of the fact that we all belong to the United States of America.
Often this is seen in the factions in church where one follows one leader and another a different one. It soon becomes a power game. And the cause of the Kingdom is sacrificed at the altar of one or another’s focus on what is of importance.
In the church we have one mission; one reason for existing. Walnut Street Baptist Church has defined this mission through these words, "The Mission of Walnut Street Baptist Church is to lead people to become fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ." We will achieve our mission through worship, evangelism, fellowship, discipleship, and ministry.These five purposes get out of balance when personalities forget we have only one mission and believe the church should focus more on one purpose than another. Which then becomes the source of many of the divisions within the church.
It appears that this was at least part of the issue in the Church at Corinth.
How is the message of the cross received? (1:18ff)
For those who are perishing, (haven’t received it) the message is foolish. However for those of us who are being saved (Interesting use of words - are you saved or are you being saved?), it is the power of God.What is wiser than human wisdom? Stronger than human strength? (1:27)
I Corinthians 1:27 reads, "27But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong." God is wiser than human wisdom. The power of God is stronger than human strength. We have no basis for boasting.
What has no eye seen, nor ear heard, nor heart conceived?
Who planted? Who watered? Who gave growth? What is the goal? Who is the foundation? Who is God's temple? Who dwells in that temple?No one can even imagine all that God has prepared for those who love him. However, God has revealed it to use through His Spirit. But even then, we can only really imagine for we do not have the capabilities of our 5 senses to fully inhabit all that God desires to give to us.
1 Corinthians 2:9ff - What God has prepared for those who love him. However, God has revealed it to us through the Holy Spirit.
Let's see, Paul planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God made it grow! and the goal is the harvest. The goal is to for that seed (the planting of the seed of the gospel) to grow. Only God can make it grow.
Too bad we spend so much energy, time, and talent, trying to force growth. I think our resources could be better spent planting more seed. We are the Temple of God. The presence of God dwells in us. Today, some of the Jews and many Christians are looking for the Temple to be rebuilt.... It's not going to happen. The temple of God already has been rebuilt .. in us!
Paul writes this letter for what purpose? The Corinthians may have many guardians but not __________________________ ?
4:14 "14I am not writing this to shame you, but to warn you, as my dear children. 15Even though you have ten thousand guardians in Christ, you do not have many fathers..."
He writes not to shame them but to warn them. He encourages them to imitate his life.
Regarding the need to plant more seeds rather than force growth- so true! Terry might have had a similar concept in mind when he mentioned focusing more on souls than number of bodies in SS this year. I like that because while we have had MANY new students enroll in the youth dept, only 1 has accepted Christ and been baptized. On the other hand, the seed has been spread to many. I guess seed spreading and growth work hand in hand!
It is so easy to get discouraged when we dont see the results as fast as we anticipate. However, the seed we plant and nourish today today will be the harvest of tomorrow.
What we harvest today is the result of seed that was planted and nourished by someone else.
Also, while the Lord brings the harvest, we are to be in the field gathering in the harvest. Matthew 9:38 38Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field."
Good comment, Jenny
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