Saturday, January 12, 2008

Ephesians 5-6

January 12, 2008

How are we to deal with our anger?

The scripture implies that in fact we will get angry. Anger in and of itself is not what Paul is writing against. It is the harboring and holding of our anger. I am not sure Paul literally means that we should not let the sun go down on our anger. But I know he does mean that we should not hold onto our anger. Nor, should we pick it up the next day. While anger in itself is not sin it can lead to sin, when it gets the best of us. And, we have all experienced those times when our anger has gotten the best of us and led to sin.

Forgiven in Christ how should we be?

Kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving of each other. We especially enjoy the forgiveness of God but unfortunately we aren’t as joyful in offering forgiveness to others. However, the fact remains to the extent God has forgiven us we should be forgiving of others.

Name the 1st commandment with a promise?

Honor your father and mother. If that is always true, (which I believe it is)

  • How does one honor their parents.

  • What if their parents were not "good" parents?

  • What if they were abusive or criminal?

  • Realistically how does one do that.

  • Give me some specifics?

What should fathers not do?

Fathers, do not exasperate your children. MY children remind me of that passage often. Sometimes I think that is the only scripture passage they know!

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