Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Mark 9-12

What were the disciples arguing about as they traveled to Capernaum?

The disciples were arguing over who was the greatest in the Kingdom of God. They were arguing over who would have the highest office when Jesus came into power. Of course, they were expecting a place of honor and ease.
Who will never enter the Kingdom of God?

Unless you become as little children you can never enter the Kingdom of God. Jesus is focusing on the innocence and trust of children. Also, children in Jesus’ day were of little or no value. They were expendable. Perhaps there is a connection betweenwhatJesus says here and his discussion about servanthood. To enter the Kingdom of God we need to consider ourselves expendable, care little what value the world places on us, and be willing to be servant of all.

What two disciples wanted Jesus to do a special favor for them?

James and John

What can faith in God take up and throw into the sea?

This mountain.. I Think Jesus is referring tot the Temple which sits on a mountain. By faith the temple of God resides within us not at a place.
Should we pay taxes?

Give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar. Give to God what belongs to God. We pay our taxes whether willingly or reluctantly. Do we give to God what belongs to God or do we embezzle it, by skimming off the top for ourselves?

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