Tuesday, January 29, 2008

1 Timothy 4-6

Why is the behavior and treatment of widows a concern?

The resources of the church (at Ephesus) were quite limited. And, while the church had a responsibility to the widows, they did not have unlimited resources. So the needs had to be prioritized. The general teaching Paul gives to Timothy is that those who are able to care for themselves should. Those who have families to care for them should be cared for by their families. Those who seek for the church to provide care should have some relationship with the church. Rather than a Carte Blanche responsibility, the responsibility of the church is first to those of the church.

Now, how well do we take care of the widows of the church who are in need?

What is the root of many kinds of evil? Of what are Christians to take hold?
The love of money is the root of many kinds of evil. Christians are to take hold of the eternal life found in Jesus. Do we eagerly pursue money and take for granted our salvation? should it not be the other way around?

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