Friday, January 25, 2008

1 john 3 - 5

How are the children of God to love?

We ought to lay down our life for one another. Interesting statement to say the least. I’m sure literally it means giving up our physical life for one another. Who is willing to do that? Our response might be, well it depends on who it is. Or we might refer to those who serve in the armed forces and protect us with their very life. And end the discussion there.

But there is a much deeper meaning to this command. It is the same as in Romans 12: 1-2 Where we are commanded to offer ourselves as living sacrifices to God.
Sacrificing yourself, and laying down your life for someone else has much more to do with the day to day choices you and I make. We make those choices from the standpoint of what is best for us and our family, rather than what is best for the group or for someone else.

To somewhat illustrate this point I refer to going though a buffet line. You are first in line or at least near the front. The line is long, the food is limited. Here’s the question, do you fill your plate or do you half fill it in consideration of those who are behind you? And, if there is food left over you can get back in line after everyone has gone through once.

This may not be the best illustration but it does go to the heart of the matter. How willing are we to be inconvenienced and do with a little less or without, so that someone else might have something?

For me this is what love is all about! How much do you love.... yourself ??? ....others??? It is evident to all isn’t it?

How do we know the Spirit of God? The spirit of the anti-christ? Where is love from? Why do we love?

Those teachings which acknowledge that Jesus has come in the flesh is form God. John is referring to a heresy that claimed that Jesus really did not come in the flesh. They believed that the flesh was evil. So God could not be kept in the flesh. While that heresy is still around today. The greater application of this statement is that we can tell a lot about a teaching (spirits) when we focus on what they believe and teach about Jesus. That is the modern day test.

The heresy is of the anti-christ. Love is from God and we love because the example of Jesus in loving us first, even though were unlovely. If God can love someone as unlovely as me, I ought to be motivated to love someone I consider unlovely.

Who are the world's conquerors? God gave us eternal life; where is it?
Those who have been born of God are the world’s conquerors. They are the ones who believe that Jesus is the son of God. Eternal life is in God’s Son, Jesus. Now that is quite simple and to the point isn’t it?

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