Monday, January 07, 2008

Matthew 21-23

January 7, 2008

What was it that motivated Jesus to raise a ruckus in the temple?

The motivation that inspired Jesus to act was seeing the outcasts (gentiles) unable to worship. The money changers had set up shop IN the temple, specifically in the court of the Gentiles. This was the only area open to non-Jews in which they could worship.. It wasn’t the selling that upset Jesus, for that was to be expected. After all, many came from miles away and were unable to bring with them the spotless sacrifice that was required. They were dependent upon the local merchants. This had become a thriving business. I believe this was the straw that broke the camel’s back as far as the religious leaders were concerned. In spite of all else that had happened between Jesus and the religious establishment, Jesus messing with their money forced them to act. So they begin to put a plan into action.

And of course, money is the issue that motivates action for most folks. Talking and planning and modest actions are acceptable. But when I have to reach into my wallet and back up my talk, plans, and activities with cold hard cash ...well.... that changes

What is the greatest commandment?

To love God with all our heart soul mind and strength; and to love others and be as concerned about their welfare as much as we love and are concerned about ourselves. It is not rules, but the rule of God in our heart and life that marks the true follower of Jesus.

In describing God's caring love and protection for his people what kind of animal action does Jesus use to illustrate his point?

As a mother hen gathers her chickens, so God desires to gather the people under his wings and care for them. Interestingly, this is a rare image of God revealing God’s nature as a female. Our common image of God is of a strong powerful male. However, God is neither male nor female. God is God.

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