January 14, 2007 I Peter 3-5
In the time of Noah water destroyed all but 8; what does it do now? For what reason was the gospel proclaimed to the dead?
I Peter 3:18-20
Many Questions here... "he went and preached" (Jesus)
Where did he go? When did he go? What did he preach? Who were the spirits in prison? Why was the preaching to just the disobedient people in Noah’s day? How were 8 persons saved through water?
Let me offer some (5) possible interpretations. These are from a list Ray Summers compiled for the Broadman Bible Commentary- (Volume 12), 1972
1) That Jesus between his death and resurrection went to the world of the dead (Hell) to proclaim that he was suffering because of their sins.
2) That Jesus went to proclaim his lordship even over the dead; to empty hades of the righteous who had died before that time.
3) To proclaim to the disobedient spirits that the redemption of God which had been offered to them and they rejected had now become a reality. They were wrong (made the wrong choice) and were suffering only what they deserved.
4) That Jesus went to proclaim salvation; to exhort the disobedient to repent; to offer them a chance (a second chance for some?) For salvation. This is a widely held view. HOWEVER - why was the preaching directed ONLY to the disobedient of Noah’s day?
5) That the passage does NOT relate to a descent of Jesus into hell at all. RATHER it teaches that the same SPIRIT which made Jesus alive (Resurrection), had witnessed to disobedient people at the time of their disobedience while Noah was building the Ark. Hence, the preaching took place at the time of their disobedience through the Spirit. This theory makes most sense to me (as it does to Ray Summers).
The sign of Noah and his family’s obedience to God is seen in their ascent into the Ark when it was completed.
In Genesis 6:1-3 God allows the people 120 years to repent. And, each day Noah and his family and workers were building the ark is a warning to them as to what is going to happen. Perhaps in the power and presence of the SPIRIT the people are witnessed to by Noah and his family. Maybe not even in words but through their actions!
They were saved not so much "through" the water as "from" the water.
Baptism is not a removal of dirt from the body. Nor, is it a removal of spiritual filth. Peter viewed baptism as an appeal (demand) for a clear conscience. If you take out the explaining clauses of Verse 21 you get this,"Baptism..saves you...through the resurrection of Jesus Christ." You see, it is the power of the resurrection which saves you NOT Baptism.
Baptism in early Christian thought and practice was an essential part of one’s experience because it was through baptism that one made his public confession. In other words that was how you did it. Today, we might say it is "walking down the aisle"
Romans 6:3-4 it is the identification with Jesus’ death & resurrection
to a new life. In the 2nd Century of Christianity this became so emphatic that the candidate would take off his old clothes, enter on one side of the pool, was immersed, went out on the other side, and put on new clothes.
For this person, baptism, symbolized (much more than that) the fact that he died with Christ, been buried with Christ, and been raised with Christ to a new resurrection kind of life. Now that, is a dramatic picture of a clear conscience before God!
For what must we keep alert?
Our enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Peter commands us to resist him and stand firm in the faith, remembering, there are many others around the world going through the same (and even more difficult)sufferings.