Saturday, March 29, 2008

Revelation 19-20

What are God's people summoned to do concerning the doomed city?

They are summoned to Praise God

What is the rider of the white horse called? What does he do? What is his name called? What is the name inscribed on his robe and thigh? What did he do to the beast and kings of the earth?

The rider on the white horse is called Faithful. He judges and makes war with justice. The named inscribed on his robe and thigh is "King of king and Lord of Lords" . The beast and the kings of the earth were thrown alive into the fiery lake of burning sulfur.
Who is the dragon? What happens to him? What happens in the first resurrection? Who is raised? What will they be? What happens when the thousand years are ended?

The dragon is the ancient serpent. He is bound for a thousand years and is thrown into the abyss.

In the 1st resurrection the dead come to life and reign with Christ for a thousand years as priests of God. After the thousand years are ended satan will be released from his prison. the final battle will take place and God will reign victoriously.

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