John 10-12
What are the characteristics of the good shepherd? What does the good shepherd lay down? On whose accord?The good shepherd calls his sheep and they follow. The good shepherd is the gate for the sheep. The only way the sheep can lave the pen is crawl over the shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for his sheep. He does not because someone takes it from him but he willingly gives it up, for his sheep.
Why does Jesus wait so long to go to the aid of Lazarus?So that God would be glorified. The thought was that the spirit stayed with the body for 3 days. So if Lazarus came back to life in three days it could be explained. The fact that four days had passed made his resurrection a miracle.
What made the raising of Lazarus seem a little more difficult?
The fact that four days had passed made his resurrection a miracle.
What worried the chief priests and Pharisees about Jesus' performing signs?They were afraid that everyone would believe in Jesus
Whose skin were they thinking about? What was the final solution?
They were thinking about their own influence and power. Ultimately they decided that Jesus must die
In defending Mary's anointing him, whom did Jesus say we would always have with us?
Jesus aid we always have the poor with us. We always have opportunity to meet the needs of the poor. We will not always have time to do for Jesus, or the kingdom.
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