He washed their feet. This is John’s picture of the Lord’s Supper.What is the new commandment that Jesus gives to his disciples?
The new commandment is to love one anotherWhat did Jesus say to Thomas after Thomas said he didn't know the way because he didn't know where Jesus was going?
Jesus answered Tomas by saying HE was the way, truth, and life, and that NO ONE can come to the Father except through Jesus. Further he said, you do know him and have seen him... that is you have seen him in seeing Jesus!
What is the greatest sign of love?
The greatest sign that we love God is that we will be obedient to what God wants us to do.Why is it to the disciples' advantage for Jesus to "go away"?
If he goes away then he will be able to send the comforter (the Holy Spirit) Jesus could only be in one place at a time. The Holy Spirit can be everywhere at all times.
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