Saturday, March 29, 2008

Revelation 19-20

What are God's people summoned to do concerning the doomed city?

They are summoned to Praise God

What is the rider of the white horse called? What does he do? What is his name called? What is the name inscribed on his robe and thigh? What did he do to the beast and kings of the earth?

The rider on the white horse is called Faithful. He judges and makes war with justice. The named inscribed on his robe and thigh is "King of king and Lord of Lords" . The beast and the kings of the earth were thrown alive into the fiery lake of burning sulfur.
Who is the dragon? What happens to him? What happens in the first resurrection? Who is raised? What will they be? What happens when the thousand years are ended?

The dragon is the ancient serpent. He is bound for a thousand years and is thrown into the abyss.

In the 1st resurrection the dead come to life and reign with Christ for a thousand years as priests of God. After the thousand years are ended satan will be released from his prison. the final battle will take place and God will reign victoriously.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Revelation 16-18

Who is seated on the scarlet beast? What happens?

A woman is seated on the scarlet beast. She is described as the great mother of prostitutes. She is destroyed. Her plagues will overtake her. She will be consumed by fire.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Revelation 14-15

What happens to those who worship the beast? Those who die in the Lord?

Those who worship the beast will drink of the wine of God’s fury. He will be tormented with burning sulfur. There will be no rest. Those who die in the Lord will find rest from their labor. Their deeds will follow them.
What ends with the last seven plagues?

With the last of the plagues God’s wrath is completed.

How are the 7 last plagues described?

The 7 last plagues are described as, the wrath of God.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Revelation 11-13

What does the dragon try to do and what does it represent?

The dragon tries to devour the child of the woman. The dragon represents satan
What is the number of the beast? Whom does the beast represent?

The number of the beast is 666. The beast represents the power of the dragon (satan)

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Revelation 8-10

What happens when the angels blow their trumpets? What will be fulfilled when the seventh trumpet is sounded? What did the 24 elders sing after the 7th trumpet was sounded?

1st Trumpet = brought hail & fire mixed with blood
2nd trumpet = brought a huge mountain to be thrown into the sea.
3rd trumpet = brought a great star blazing like a torch.
4th trumpet = a third of the sun was struck
5th trumpet = another star falls.
6th trumpet = a voice from the horns of the golden altar spoke.
7th trumpet = the mystery of God will be accomplished.

The 24 elders sing "We give thanks to you, Lord God Almighty, the One who is and who was, because you have taken your great power and have begun to reign. 18The nations were angry; and your wrath has come.The time has come for judging the dead, and for rewarding your servants the prophets your saints and those who reverence your name, both small and great— and for destroying those who destroy the earth."

Monday, March 24, 2008

Revelation 6-7

What do the 4 horses and their color represent? What do the 5th and 6th seals represent?

* White Horse = Conquest
* Red horse = fire
• Black horse = measurement
• Pale horse = death

• The 5th seal represents those who were slain because of their testimony and the word of God. The 6th seal represents the day of wrath.

How many were sealed with a forehead marking? Who are those robed in white? Where are they? What will God and the Lamb do to/for them?

• 144 k were sealed on the forehead with a marking. Note that they were from the 12 tribes of Israel.

• Those wearing white robes were from every nation, tribe, people, and language. They were standing before the throne. They represent those who have come out of the great tribulation. They will be taken care of, never to hunger, thirst, or have the sun beating down on them. They will be shepherded and led to springs of living water and God will wipe their tears away.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Revelation 4-5

Who is seated on the throne? What do the 24 elders sing to him?

The one sitting on the throne had the appearance of Jasper and Carnelian.

Carnelian was used to make signet rings to imprint a seal with wax during Roman times. Also, it is the official shade of red used by Campbell soup! See image

The 24 elders sing (say) 11"You are worthy, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for you created all things, and by your will they were created and have their being."

AND, they sang to the lamb, "You are worthy to take the scroll and to open its seals, because you were slain, and with your blood you purchased men for God from every tribe and language and people and nation. 10You have made them to be a kingdom and priests to serve our God, and they will reign on the earth."

Who is worthy to open the scroll and break its seals? What did the angels sing? What did every creature in heaven and on earth sing?

The Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David. Also, the lamb who was slain was worthy to open the scroll.

The Angels sang, "Worthy is the Lamb, who was slain, to receive power and wealth and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and praise!"

Every Creature sang "To him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb be praise and honor and glory and power, for ever and ever!"

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Revelation 1-3

Where is the writer of Revelation? What are the 7 stars? 7 lamp stands?

The writer of Revelation (remember it is Revelation NOT RevelationS) is on the island of Patmos off the coast of Ephesus.

The seven stars are the seven angels (messengers) of the seven churches. The lamp stands are the seven churches.

The Seven Churches of Asia Minor

Church #1: From what had the church at Ephesus fallen? What were they to do?

The church at Ephesus had much to be commended for; their hard work, their good deeds, their perseverance, their intolerance of false teaching, they were not weary. However, they were condemned because they had forsaken their first love. This was a serious issue, for if they did not reurn to their first love their church would disappear....

Church #2: What is the situation of the church at Smyrna? What are they encouraged to do?

The church at Smyrna were commended for their faithfulness in the midst of their afflictions, slander, and poverty. Even in suffering they were rich. They are promised the crown of life for their faithfulness in the midst of persecution and the 2nd death will not hurt them.. While the persecution will come it will not last forever.

Church #3: For what is the church at Pergamurn being commended? Scolded?

The church at Pergamum was being commended for remaining true to God in the city where satan has his throne. Yet, they were scolded for allowing false teaching (Balaam, Nicolatians) to remain in the church family.

Church #4: Who was the church at Thyatira tolerating? What was her wrongdoing? What did she refuse to do? With what result?

The church at Thyatira was tolerating the false prophetess Jezebel to operate within the church. Her false teachings were leading the Lord’s servants into sexual immorality and in the worship practices of idols (eating the food). Since she refused to repent she was cast on a bed of suffering that included her and those who commit adultery

Church #5: What was the problem at the church at Sardis? What will be the result of their not waking up? Of their conquering?

The church of Sardis while having a reputation (past history) of being alive they were dead (present reality). If they do not wake up the Lord will come to them and steal (like a thief) the church away from them. If they conquer they will walk with the Lord.

Church #6: For what is the church at Philadelphia commended? From what will they be kept?
The church at Philadelphia is commended that even though they have little strength they have kept God’s word and not denied God’s name. They have endured patiently and thus will be kept from the "hour of trial."

Church #7: What is the problem with the works of the church at Laodicea? What is about to happen as a result? Who is standing at the door? Doing what? For what?

The works at church at Laodicea are lukewarm. They claim to be all self-sufficient, yet they lack heavenly treasure (poor) righteousness (naked) spiritual sight (blind) as a result the Lord will puke them (spew hem) out of his mouth.

They have managed to go through the outward appearances of godliness but have left God out of it all together. As a result the Lord is standing on the outside knocking to come in. Often this verse is used to encourage non-believrs to come to Jesus who is knocking on the heart of their door. Actually it is Jesus knocking on the door of the church.....

Friday, March 21, 2008

2 Timothy 3-4

What will come in the last days? How will this be revealed in people?

In the last days people will love – themselves, money. They will be boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient tot heir parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, no self-control, love pleasure more than love God, have a form of godliness but not the power of God. Paul commands that we re not to have anything to do with such folk!

What is the purpose of Scripture?

The purpose of scripture is God breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in the right way to live, so that, we may be equipped for every good work.
How does the author of Timothy face the end of his own life?
He feels as if he is a drink offering be poured out. He realizes his departure is at hand. He acknowledges though that he has fought the good fight, finished the race, and kept the faith. He is looking forward to the crown of righteousness that the Lord will award him.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

2 Timothy 1-2

How did Timothy come to faith?

Timothy’s faith follows the example set by his grandmother and mother. What a responsibility we have to live faithfully as an example to our children and EVEN our grandchildren.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

2 peter

What has God's divine power given us?

God’s divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of God through Jesus Christ.

Why is it better for false prophets to have never known the way of righteousness?

Peter rants here about the ultimate destruction of the false prophets. He makes such an issue because these false teachers are able to do such great damage to the body of Christ, leading them in the wrong direction. Their ultimate destination is the"blackest darkness."

What fact should we not ignore in regards to the Lord's timetable?

We should not ignore the fact that just because God is slow in keeping his promises, it doesn’t mean God is lax. It means God is patient. However, God’s judgement will come. With God a thousand years is but a day, and a day is but a thousand years.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Phillipians 3-4

What is the goal toward which Paul presses on? Where is our citizenship?

Paul presses on toward the goal to win the prize, for which God has called him heavenward. Paul is reaching for the goal of receiving his reward in heaven. Or, perhaps he is speaking about simply being in heaven as the goal of his earthly life.

Our citizenship is heaven, although many Christians believe we are citizens of this world.

How are we to rejoice and pray? What things are we to keep on doing.?

We are to rejoice always and pray always. And, I might add as we rejoice and pray, we receive the peace of God that surpasses all of our understanding and comprehension. God can bring us peace in the midst of much personal anxiety. If we remember to pray as he outlines, that is, with prayer, petition, thanksgiving, and letting God know what is on our mind. We are to keep doing the things that we have learned, heard or received from Paul

Monday, March 17, 2008

A St. Patricks Day Bonus

On St. Patricks we are all Irish, aren't we?

Enjoy the song of the unicorn

Phillipians 1-2

What has happened to Paul? How has that helped spread the gospel?

Paul has been imprisoned. It has helped him spread the gospel because everyone knows the reason why he is in jail...for the sake of the gospel. Also, it has given boldness to the other brothers (and sisters) to speak of the gospel more courageously and fearlessly.

How are we to regard others? How are we to work out our salvation?

We are to look out for the interests of others and not just our own. And, we are to work out our own salvation in fear and trembling, realizing it is God who is at work in us and will act according to HIS good purpose.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

2 Thessalonians

What can those who do not know God and who do not obey the gospel expect?

Those who do not know God and do not obey the gospel can expect God’s punishment of everlasting destruction and to be shut out from the presence of the Lord and the majesty of his power when the Lord comes to be glorified.

Those who are perishing refuse to do what? What happens as a result?

Those who are perishing refuse to love the truth and be saved.

What instruction is given for those who are idle and unwilling to work?

Paul instructs that everyone is to stay away from those who refuse to work. For those who are idle Paul commands that they are to settle down and earn their bread to eat.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

John 18-21

The other Gospels report that one of Jesus' disciples cut off a slave's ear in the garden of Gethsemane. Who is it according to John's Gospel?

According to John’s gospel this person’s name is MALCHUS, the servant of the High Priest.
What reason did the Jews give for bringing Jesus to Pilate and not judging and sentencing him themselves?

The reason they gave is that they were loyal followers of the Empire and they did not have the authority to pass judgment on their own.
What does the Hebrew word "Golgatha" mean?

Golgotha means "the place of the skull."

In what languages was the inscription Pilate had placed on Jesus' cross written? What did it say?

The inscription, "King of the Jews" was written in Aramaic, Latin, and Greek.
What flowed from Jesus side when he was pierced with the spear?

Blood and water flowed from Jesus’ side after he was pierced with the sword.

According to John who was the first person to witness the risen Lord?

The first person to witness the risen Jesus was Mary Magdalene
Thomas got to see the wounded and risen Lord and so believed. Whom did Jesus say are blessed?

Those that believe without seeing.

What is the purpose of the Gospel book of John?

So that the reader might believe that Jesus is the Christ and that believing we might have eternal life in the name of Jesus.
What are Jesus' instructions to Peter?

To feed his lambs and to take care of his sheep

Friday, March 14, 2008

John 16-17

Jesus prays that all those who follow him might be what?

Jesus prays that they may be one.. Jesus prays for unity among believers

Thursday, March 13, 2008

John 13-15

According to John what did Jesus do at his last supper that Matthew, Mark, and Luke do not report?

He washed their feet. This is John’s picture of the Lord’s Supper.
What is the new commandment that Jesus gives to his disciples?

The new commandment is to love one another
What did Jesus say to Thomas after Thomas said he didn't know the way because he didn't know where Jesus was going?

Jesus answered Tomas by saying HE was the way, truth, and life, and that NO ONE can come to the Father except through Jesus. Further he said, you do know him and have seen him... that is you have seen him in seeing Jesus!

What is the greatest sign of love?

The greatest sign that we love God is that we will be obedient to what God wants us to do.
Why is it to the disciples' advantage for Jesus to "go away"?

If he goes away then he will be able to send the comforter (the Holy Spirit) Jesus could only be in one place at a time. The Holy Spirit can be everywhere at all times.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

John 10-12

What are the characteristics of the good shepherd? What does the good shepherd lay down? On whose accord?

The good shepherd calls his sheep and they follow. The good shepherd is the gate for the sheep. The only way the sheep can lave the pen is crawl over the shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for his sheep. He does not because someone takes it from him but he willingly gives it up, for his sheep.
Why does Jesus wait so long to go to the aid of Lazarus?

So that God would be glorified. The thought was that the spirit stayed with the body for 3 days. So if Lazarus came back to life in three days it could be explained. The fact that four days had passed made his resurrection a miracle.
What made the raising of Lazarus seem a little more difficult?

The fact that four days had passed made his resurrection a miracle.
What worried the chief priests and Pharisees about Jesus' performing signs?

They were afraid that everyone would believe in Jesus
Whose skin were they thinking about? What was the final solution?

They were thinking about their own influence and power. Ultimately they decided that Jesus must die
In defending Mary's anointing him, whom did Jesus say we would always have with us?

Jesus aid we always have the poor with us. We always have opportunity to meet the needs of the poor. We will not always have time to do for Jesus, or the kingdom.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

John 7 - 9

What flows out of the believer's heart?

Streams of living water will flow from within those who believe.
How does Jesus respond to the woman caught in adultery?

He doesn’t condemn her and tells her to go and sin no more.
As believers continue to follow Jesus, abiding in his word, they are his disciples. What will they come to know? What will that do for them?

John 8:31 ff those who abide in Jesus’ teaching are actually his disciples. They will know the truth and the truth of Jesus will set them free.
Jesus is the light of the world. He came into the world for judgment so what could happen to people both positively and negatively?

Those who follow Jesus as the Light will never walk in darkness. AND, will have the light of life.

Monday, March 10, 2008

John 4-6

What did Jesus ask of the woman of Samaria? What did he offer her?

Jesus asked he for a drink of water. He offered her living water. Not the water from a cistern. But artesian water, that came from a spring!. In reality he offered her the refreshment of himself. It would quench her spiritual thirst forever.
How do true worshipers worship the Father?

They worship in Spirit and in truth
What motivated Jesus' enemies to seek all the more to kill him?

The Jews persecuted Jesus because he was healing on the Sabbath. They sought all the more to kill him because he was calling God his father, making himself equal to God.

The feeding of the 5,000 is the only miracle recorded by all 4 Gospels. What does John's account of the miracle report that the other 3 don't?

The other accounts of the miracle are found in Matthew 14; Mark 6; and Luke 9. John makes the additional note that the people identified him as "the prophet who is to come into the world." (Messiah). However, they saw him as an earthly leader, rather than the spiritual ruler who came to establish his spiritual kingdom, the kingdom of God. John continues to make the point to refer to Jesus in spiritual terms. All that takes place in John’’s gospel takes place on at least two levels - physical and spiritual.
For what reason did Jesus say that the people were looking for him?

They were looking for him to make him king by force.

How does Jesus describe himself in relation to bread?

Jesus describes himself as the bread of life. Those who come to him will never be hungry or thirsty.

Sunday, March 09, 2008

John 1-3

What words/phrase does John use to describe the birth of Jesus?

John uses the words and phrases to refer to Jesus as the Word, who became flesh, and dwelt among us. Also, as one who came from the Father.

What phrase does John the Baptist use to identify Jesus?

He describes him as , one who comes after me, yet was before me. He is full of grace giving blessing after blessing. Also, Jesus is the one who has made the Father known. John refers to Jesus as, "The lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world."
What is the first miracle that Jesus does in John's Gospel?

The first miracle Jesus does in John’s gospel is to change water into wine.

Who was confused about being born again or born from above? What is necessary to enter the Kingdom of God?

Nicodemus was confused about being born again. In order to enter the Kingdom of God, one needs to be born again. Not a physical birth (through water) but a spiritual birth (through the Holy Spirit)
Who and how much does God love?

God so loved the world (everyone, i.e., all he created) so much that God sent his one and only - only one like him- (begotten) son so that the world might believe in him and receive eternal life.

Saturday, March 08, 2008

2 Corinthians 10-13

If we are to boast how are we to do it?

Let us boast in the Lord. For, it is the Lord who makes us commendable, not any of the works we might do.

Who can be disguised as an angel of light? Ministers of righteousness?

Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. And satan’s servants masquerade as servants (ministers) of righteousness.

Why was he given a 'thorn in the flesh?' How was it overcome? Why is Paul willing to boast of his weakness?

Paul was given a thorn in the flesh to keep him from being conceited. It never left even though he prayed to God for healing. However, it was overcome by God’s grace. Paul boasts of his weakness so that the power of God might rest upon him. For, in Christ when Paul is weak he is strong!

For what reason does Paul call us to examine ourselves? Who is in us?

We are to examine ourselves to see whether we re in the faith or not. Christ Jesus is in us.

Friday, March 07, 2008

2 Corinthians 7-9

What comes from godly grief? Worldly grief?

Godly sorrow (grief) brings about repentance that leads to repentance. For, we are sorry that we have disappointed God. We become earnest in our desire to see justice done. Worldly sorrow (grief) brings death.
Who became poor for our sakes? How did he become poor for us?

Jesus became poor for our sakes by leaving His heavenly throne and enter into our world born not at the king’s palace but in a stable.
What kind of giver does God love? What does generosity produce?

God loves a cheerful giver. Generosity produces thanksgiving to God.

Thursday, March 06, 2008

2 Corinthians 4-6

To whom is the gospel veiled? What is the treasure in clay jars?

The gospel is veiled to those who are perishing. The treasure is the message of life; the gospel.
What does it mean to be a 'new creation' in Christ?

To be a new creation in Christ means that the old life is gone.

How are we urged to receive the grace of God? What does that mean?

Do not receive God’s grace in vain. By the grace of God we find salvation. By not accepting God’s grace of salvation God has provided it in vain. In other words, the gift goes unopened. What a waste of a gift

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

2 Corinthians 1-3

How are we comforted? How are we able to comfort others?

We are comforted by Jesus Christ who is the father of compassion, and the God of all comfort. He comforts us in all our troubles. He does this so that we can then become the source of comfort to others through the same comfort we ourselves have received.
In what kind of procession does Christ always lead us?

Jesus always leads us in a triumphal procession.

What is found where the Spirit of the Lord is?

Where the spirit of the lord is, there is freedom.

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

1 thessalonians 4-5

How are we to live? To what did God not call us? In what did He call us? What/Whom is being rejecte when the call to purity is rejected?

We are to live to please God. We have not been called to be impure, but to live a holy life. When we reject the call to purity we are rejecting God, who gives us the oly Spirit who lives within us.
What armor are Christians to put on? For what purpose?

Faith and love as a breastplate. The hope of salvation as a helmet. So we would not suffer wrath but receive salvation.

Monday, March 03, 2008

Bonus posting

4 Lies for not Giving

I Thesalonians 1-3

From whom did the Thessalonians turn? Whom do they now serve?

They turned from idols to serve the living and true God and are waiting for the return of the Son.

How did Paul and his companions care for and deal with the Thessalonians?

They were gentle and cared for them like a mother caring for her little children. They shared their very life with them. Also, they worked day and night so as not to be a burden to them. In addition Paul and his associates dealt with the Thessalonians as a father deals with his own children – encouraging, comforting, urging them to live lives worthy of the calling of God.

Because of persecutions against the Thessalonians what was Paul afraid might have happened among them?

Paul was fearful that the tempter might have tempted them and their efforts might have been useless.

Sunday, March 02, 2008

3rd John

For what is Diotrephes criticized?

Diotrephes loved to be first. He was also maliciously gossiping about Paul and his fellow workers. And, he was kind of snooty, refusing to welcome the brothers.

Saturday, March 01, 2008

2 John

Who are the deceivers? What's another name for a deceiver?

Deceivers are those who do not acknowledge Jesus as coming in the flesh. Another name for deceiver is anti-christ.