Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Acts 1-4

The beginning of Acts refers to a first book. It has the same name as the author of Acts. What book is it?

The book of Luke

Who is to know the time when the Kingdom will be restored?

Only the father

Who replaced Judas and how was he chosen? By whom was he chosen?

Matthias ; by lot (throwing dice - casting lots) He was chosen by the remaining Apostles.

  • Whatever happened to Matthias?

  • Who are the apostles today?

  • Has their been a succession of Apostles through the years with each genereation appointing the next generation of Apostles?

  • We hear nothing more of Matthias. His addition to the group seems to be unimportant.

What happened on Pentecost?

The Holy Spirit descends on the group. The presence of the Holy Spirit finds the focus not on the Holy Spirit but on the Jesus. The gospel is preached. The Holy Spirit always points away from Self and towards Jesus.

What did those who heard the disciples speaking think about them?

They thought they were drunk when they heard their utterances which was not
unintelliogible tongues but differnt languiages.

What happened to the lame man at the Beautiful Gate?

He was healed Peter took him by the hand and ... 8He jumped to his feet and began to walk. Then he went with them into the temple courts, walking and jumping, and praising God.

Who is the stone whom the builders rejected? What has he become?

Jesus is the stone the Jews rejected. and Jesus has become the chief stone, the capstone.


Anonymous said...

When teaching new Christians or those struggling with gambling addictions, how can we explain the use of casting lots by the apostles?

Anonymous said...

AND, how do we explain what farmers do every year in putting in their crop. Is this not also a gamble?

Last year the peach crop in Southern Illinois was lost to a late Spring freeze. Many orchards are gambling that this year's crop will be different.

Doesn't it all boil down to "chance?"

Is this how the Apostles viewed what they were doing by casting lots? Just chance?