Thursday, February 07, 2008

Acts 5-8

What happened to Ananias and Sapphira? Why?

Ananias and Sapphira were killed dead by God for selling a piece of property, keeping part of the proceeds, but reporting that they had donated the total price to the care of the saints in Jerusalem.

It wasn’t that they kept part of the money but that they were not truthful in telling what they did. It was like they wanted the glory without paying the price. This sort of thing happens today I am sure. When we are not quite honest about what we give, or take credit for giving more than we do. While the result may not be as dranmatic, struck down dead, God views it the same way.

I think the reason why there was such a dramatic response by God is that this was to serve as an example and foundation of the right way to do things, as Christianity begins.

What happens to an undertaking of human origin? What if it is of God?

Undertakings of human origin do not last. If it is of God it cannot be stopped. I think that is true today as Walnut Street Baptist Church undertakes relocating.

For what task were the seven men 'of good standing, full of the Spirit and of wisdom, chosen?

They were chosen to wait on the tables of the widows. Their task was to serve so that the apostles could continue to study, pray, and preach the gospel. This group to some extent serves as the first deacons. The word “serve” is a form of the word from which we get the word “deacon.” (GR: Diakonos).

The biblical role of the deacons in the church today follows this example. They are to partner with the pastor in ministry to the congregation, such as, in visiting shut ins and caring for church families.

Ken Hemphill, the Southern Baptist Convention's National Strategist for Empowering Kingdom Growth, expands and expounds on this view of the deacons biblical role in today's church.

"The Ministry of Deacons." Click here to read the article.

What connection was there between Stephen and Saul?

As Stephen was being stoned, Saul was holding their coats. I think they call that aiding and abetting. The inclusion of this tidbit of information gives us a picture of what Saul (Pail) was like before his conversion. His past did not keep him from serving God in the fullest sense.

What did the Ethiopian eunuch ask Philip to do?

The Ethiopian Eunuch invited Philip into his chariot to explain the scriptures to him. Then he wanted to know what should keep him from being baptized.

The scene here is of Philip being ready, in the right place, and willing to share the gospel. However, he waits upon the invitation of the one who is lost (The Ethiopian).

This is a great model for us to follow as we seek to reach those who neeed to know Jesus in a personal way. We must be prepared and ready and wait for the opportunity to present itself.

Too often we are very prepared. In fact, we are spending much time in preparation. In fact, we are actually over prepared, but we are not ready. We are not seeking out those opportunities.

As we wait for Spring to approach, and the beginning of baseball season, allow me to offer this illustration. It is like we are in perpetual Spring training, getting ready for the major league season to begin, working on our fundamentals, game plan, and going over all possible scenarios, but we never move north to begin the season. We are never ready…. we are alwasy in Spring training...

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