Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Luke 1-4

What angel brought news of upcoming births to Zechariah and Mary?

Angel of the Lord, Gabriel was the angel who brought the news of the birth of John and Jesus.

What was the reason Zechariah couldn't speak?

Zechariah could not speak because he didn’t believe what the angel said. He wanted an assurance, a sign, proof .

When would he be able to speak again?

Zechariah would be able to speak when the fulfillment of the promise came to be; that is, when John was born.

Who was the child born to Zechariah and Elizabeth?


What things did Mary treasure and ponder in her heart?

The things that the Shepherds told as they left the presence of Jesus. The Shepherds went and told. Mary treasured them up in her heart. She would need the memories of these events to see her through many of the events of Jesus life. Also Mary treasured the things Jesus said when he made his statement of purpose before his parents that he must be about his father’s business.

Who are the two people who were awaiting the birth of the Messiah?

One person awaiting the birth of the Messiah was Simeon. The other was Anna. From what is God able to raise up children to Abraham? God is able to raise up children from Stones

What are the 3 temptations Jesus faced in the wilderness? How does he respond to them?

Jesus faced the temptation of turning the stone to brad; the 2nd temptation was to bow down and worship satan in exchange for the glory, authority and splendor of the worldly kingdoms. The 3rd temptation was to prove who he was by some glorious act - throwing himself off the top of the Temple. Jesus responds to each temptation by reciting scripture.

From what scroll did Jesus read to his hometown folk? What got them so upset that they wanted to hurl him off a cliff?

When Jesus was asked to read in his hometown synagogue he read from Isaiah 61. They were amazed at his gracious words. Then Jesus began to speak. When he spoke of gentiles as being part of God’s plan for redemption the people were furious.

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