Monday, March 03, 2008

I Thesalonians 1-3

From whom did the Thessalonians turn? Whom do they now serve?

They turned from idols to serve the living and true God and are waiting for the return of the Son.

How did Paul and his companions care for and deal with the Thessalonians?

They were gentle and cared for them like a mother caring for her little children. They shared their very life with them. Also, they worked day and night so as not to be a burden to them. In addition Paul and his associates dealt with the Thessalonians as a father deals with his own children – encouraging, comforting, urging them to live lives worthy of the calling of God.

Because of persecutions against the Thessalonians what was Paul afraid might have happened among them?

Paul was fearful that the tempter might have tempted them and their efforts might have been useless.

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