Saturday, March 29, 2008

Revelation 19-20

What are God's people summoned to do concerning the doomed city?

They are summoned to Praise God

What is the rider of the white horse called? What does he do? What is his name called? What is the name inscribed on his robe and thigh? What did he do to the beast and kings of the earth?

The rider on the white horse is called Faithful. He judges and makes war with justice. The named inscribed on his robe and thigh is "King of king and Lord of Lords" . The beast and the kings of the earth were thrown alive into the fiery lake of burning sulfur.
Who is the dragon? What happens to him? What happens in the first resurrection? Who is raised? What will they be? What happens when the thousand years are ended?

The dragon is the ancient serpent. He is bound for a thousand years and is thrown into the abyss.

In the 1st resurrection the dead come to life and reign with Christ for a thousand years as priests of God. After the thousand years are ended satan will be released from his prison. the final battle will take place and God will reign victoriously.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Revelation 16-18

Who is seated on the scarlet beast? What happens?

A woman is seated on the scarlet beast. She is described as the great mother of prostitutes. She is destroyed. Her plagues will overtake her. She will be consumed by fire.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Revelation 14-15

What happens to those who worship the beast? Those who die in the Lord?

Those who worship the beast will drink of the wine of God’s fury. He will be tormented with burning sulfur. There will be no rest. Those who die in the Lord will find rest from their labor. Their deeds will follow them.
What ends with the last seven plagues?

With the last of the plagues God’s wrath is completed.

How are the 7 last plagues described?

The 7 last plagues are described as, the wrath of God.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Revelation 11-13

What does the dragon try to do and what does it represent?

The dragon tries to devour the child of the woman. The dragon represents satan
What is the number of the beast? Whom does the beast represent?

The number of the beast is 666. The beast represents the power of the dragon (satan)

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Revelation 8-10

What happens when the angels blow their trumpets? What will be fulfilled when the seventh trumpet is sounded? What did the 24 elders sing after the 7th trumpet was sounded?

1st Trumpet = brought hail & fire mixed with blood
2nd trumpet = brought a huge mountain to be thrown into the sea.
3rd trumpet = brought a great star blazing like a torch.
4th trumpet = a third of the sun was struck
5th trumpet = another star falls.
6th trumpet = a voice from the horns of the golden altar spoke.
7th trumpet = the mystery of God will be accomplished.

The 24 elders sing "We give thanks to you, Lord God Almighty, the One who is and who was, because you have taken your great power and have begun to reign. 18The nations were angry; and your wrath has come.The time has come for judging the dead, and for rewarding your servants the prophets your saints and those who reverence your name, both small and great— and for destroying those who destroy the earth."

Monday, March 24, 2008

Revelation 6-7

What do the 4 horses and their color represent? What do the 5th and 6th seals represent?

* White Horse = Conquest
* Red horse = fire
• Black horse = measurement
• Pale horse = death

• The 5th seal represents those who were slain because of their testimony and the word of God. The 6th seal represents the day of wrath.

How many were sealed with a forehead marking? Who are those robed in white? Where are they? What will God and the Lamb do to/for them?

• 144 k were sealed on the forehead with a marking. Note that they were from the 12 tribes of Israel.

• Those wearing white robes were from every nation, tribe, people, and language. They were standing before the throne. They represent those who have come out of the great tribulation. They will be taken care of, never to hunger, thirst, or have the sun beating down on them. They will be shepherded and led to springs of living water and God will wipe their tears away.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Revelation 4-5

Who is seated on the throne? What do the 24 elders sing to him?

The one sitting on the throne had the appearance of Jasper and Carnelian.

Carnelian was used to make signet rings to imprint a seal with wax during Roman times. Also, it is the official shade of red used by Campbell soup! See image

The 24 elders sing (say) 11"You are worthy, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for you created all things, and by your will they were created and have their being."

AND, they sang to the lamb, "You are worthy to take the scroll and to open its seals, because you were slain, and with your blood you purchased men for God from every tribe and language and people and nation. 10You have made them to be a kingdom and priests to serve our God, and they will reign on the earth."

Who is worthy to open the scroll and break its seals? What did the angels sing? What did every creature in heaven and on earth sing?

The Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David. Also, the lamb who was slain was worthy to open the scroll.

The Angels sang, "Worthy is the Lamb, who was slain, to receive power and wealth and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and praise!"

Every Creature sang "To him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb be praise and honor and glory and power, for ever and ever!"

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Revelation 1-3

Where is the writer of Revelation? What are the 7 stars? 7 lamp stands?

The writer of Revelation (remember it is Revelation NOT RevelationS) is on the island of Patmos off the coast of Ephesus.

The seven stars are the seven angels (messengers) of the seven churches. The lamp stands are the seven churches.

The Seven Churches of Asia Minor

Church #1: From what had the church at Ephesus fallen? What were they to do?

The church at Ephesus had much to be commended for; their hard work, their good deeds, their perseverance, their intolerance of false teaching, they were not weary. However, they were condemned because they had forsaken their first love. This was a serious issue, for if they did not reurn to their first love their church would disappear....

Church #2: What is the situation of the church at Smyrna? What are they encouraged to do?

The church at Smyrna were commended for their faithfulness in the midst of their afflictions, slander, and poverty. Even in suffering they were rich. They are promised the crown of life for their faithfulness in the midst of persecution and the 2nd death will not hurt them.. While the persecution will come it will not last forever.

Church #3: For what is the church at Pergamurn being commended? Scolded?

The church at Pergamum was being commended for remaining true to God in the city where satan has his throne. Yet, they were scolded for allowing false teaching (Balaam, Nicolatians) to remain in the church family.

Church #4: Who was the church at Thyatira tolerating? What was her wrongdoing? What did she refuse to do? With what result?

The church at Thyatira was tolerating the false prophetess Jezebel to operate within the church. Her false teachings were leading the Lord’s servants into sexual immorality and in the worship practices of idols (eating the food). Since she refused to repent she was cast on a bed of suffering that included her and those who commit adultery

Church #5: What was the problem at the church at Sardis? What will be the result of their not waking up? Of their conquering?

The church of Sardis while having a reputation (past history) of being alive they were dead (present reality). If they do not wake up the Lord will come to them and steal (like a thief) the church away from them. If they conquer they will walk with the Lord.

Church #6: For what is the church at Philadelphia commended? From what will they be kept?
The church at Philadelphia is commended that even though they have little strength they have kept God’s word and not denied God’s name. They have endured patiently and thus will be kept from the "hour of trial."

Church #7: What is the problem with the works of the church at Laodicea? What is about to happen as a result? Who is standing at the door? Doing what? For what?

The works at church at Laodicea are lukewarm. They claim to be all self-sufficient, yet they lack heavenly treasure (poor) righteousness (naked) spiritual sight (blind) as a result the Lord will puke them (spew hem) out of his mouth.

They have managed to go through the outward appearances of godliness but have left God out of it all together. As a result the Lord is standing on the outside knocking to come in. Often this verse is used to encourage non-believrs to come to Jesus who is knocking on the heart of their door. Actually it is Jesus knocking on the door of the church.....

Friday, March 21, 2008

2 Timothy 3-4

What will come in the last days? How will this be revealed in people?

In the last days people will love – themselves, money. They will be boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient tot heir parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, no self-control, love pleasure more than love God, have a form of godliness but not the power of God. Paul commands that we re not to have anything to do with such folk!

What is the purpose of Scripture?

The purpose of scripture is God breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in the right way to live, so that, we may be equipped for every good work.
How does the author of Timothy face the end of his own life?
He feels as if he is a drink offering be poured out. He realizes his departure is at hand. He acknowledges though that he has fought the good fight, finished the race, and kept the faith. He is looking forward to the crown of righteousness that the Lord will award him.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

2 Timothy 1-2

How did Timothy come to faith?

Timothy’s faith follows the example set by his grandmother and mother. What a responsibility we have to live faithfully as an example to our children and EVEN our grandchildren.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

2 peter

What has God's divine power given us?

God’s divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of God through Jesus Christ.

Why is it better for false prophets to have never known the way of righteousness?

Peter rants here about the ultimate destruction of the false prophets. He makes such an issue because these false teachers are able to do such great damage to the body of Christ, leading them in the wrong direction. Their ultimate destination is the"blackest darkness."

What fact should we not ignore in regards to the Lord's timetable?

We should not ignore the fact that just because God is slow in keeping his promises, it doesn’t mean God is lax. It means God is patient. However, God’s judgement will come. With God a thousand years is but a day, and a day is but a thousand years.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Phillipians 3-4

What is the goal toward which Paul presses on? Where is our citizenship?

Paul presses on toward the goal to win the prize, for which God has called him heavenward. Paul is reaching for the goal of receiving his reward in heaven. Or, perhaps he is speaking about simply being in heaven as the goal of his earthly life.

Our citizenship is heaven, although many Christians believe we are citizens of this world.

How are we to rejoice and pray? What things are we to keep on doing.?

We are to rejoice always and pray always. And, I might add as we rejoice and pray, we receive the peace of God that surpasses all of our understanding and comprehension. God can bring us peace in the midst of much personal anxiety. If we remember to pray as he outlines, that is, with prayer, petition, thanksgiving, and letting God know what is on our mind. We are to keep doing the things that we have learned, heard or received from Paul

Monday, March 17, 2008

A St. Patricks Day Bonus

On St. Patricks we are all Irish, aren't we?

Enjoy the song of the unicorn

Phillipians 1-2

What has happened to Paul? How has that helped spread the gospel?

Paul has been imprisoned. It has helped him spread the gospel because everyone knows the reason why he is in jail...for the sake of the gospel. Also, it has given boldness to the other brothers (and sisters) to speak of the gospel more courageously and fearlessly.

How are we to regard others? How are we to work out our salvation?

We are to look out for the interests of others and not just our own. And, we are to work out our own salvation in fear and trembling, realizing it is God who is at work in us and will act according to HIS good purpose.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

2 Thessalonians

What can those who do not know God and who do not obey the gospel expect?

Those who do not know God and do not obey the gospel can expect God’s punishment of everlasting destruction and to be shut out from the presence of the Lord and the majesty of his power when the Lord comes to be glorified.

Those who are perishing refuse to do what? What happens as a result?

Those who are perishing refuse to love the truth and be saved.

What instruction is given for those who are idle and unwilling to work?

Paul instructs that everyone is to stay away from those who refuse to work. For those who are idle Paul commands that they are to settle down and earn their bread to eat.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

John 18-21

The other Gospels report that one of Jesus' disciples cut off a slave's ear in the garden of Gethsemane. Who is it according to John's Gospel?

According to John’s gospel this person’s name is MALCHUS, the servant of the High Priest.
What reason did the Jews give for bringing Jesus to Pilate and not judging and sentencing him themselves?

The reason they gave is that they were loyal followers of the Empire and they did not have the authority to pass judgment on their own.
What does the Hebrew word "Golgatha" mean?

Golgotha means "the place of the skull."

In what languages was the inscription Pilate had placed on Jesus' cross written? What did it say?

The inscription, "King of the Jews" was written in Aramaic, Latin, and Greek.
What flowed from Jesus side when he was pierced with the spear?

Blood and water flowed from Jesus’ side after he was pierced with the sword.

According to John who was the first person to witness the risen Lord?

The first person to witness the risen Jesus was Mary Magdalene
Thomas got to see the wounded and risen Lord and so believed. Whom did Jesus say are blessed?

Those that believe without seeing.

What is the purpose of the Gospel book of John?

So that the reader might believe that Jesus is the Christ and that believing we might have eternal life in the name of Jesus.
What are Jesus' instructions to Peter?

To feed his lambs and to take care of his sheep

Friday, March 14, 2008

John 16-17

Jesus prays that all those who follow him might be what?

Jesus prays that they may be one.. Jesus prays for unity among believers

Thursday, March 13, 2008

John 13-15

According to John what did Jesus do at his last supper that Matthew, Mark, and Luke do not report?

He washed their feet. This is John’s picture of the Lord’s Supper.
What is the new commandment that Jesus gives to his disciples?

The new commandment is to love one another
What did Jesus say to Thomas after Thomas said he didn't know the way because he didn't know where Jesus was going?

Jesus answered Tomas by saying HE was the way, truth, and life, and that NO ONE can come to the Father except through Jesus. Further he said, you do know him and have seen him... that is you have seen him in seeing Jesus!

What is the greatest sign of love?

The greatest sign that we love God is that we will be obedient to what God wants us to do.
Why is it to the disciples' advantage for Jesus to "go away"?

If he goes away then he will be able to send the comforter (the Holy Spirit) Jesus could only be in one place at a time. The Holy Spirit can be everywhere at all times.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

John 10-12

What are the characteristics of the good shepherd? What does the good shepherd lay down? On whose accord?

The good shepherd calls his sheep and they follow. The good shepherd is the gate for the sheep. The only way the sheep can lave the pen is crawl over the shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for his sheep. He does not because someone takes it from him but he willingly gives it up, for his sheep.
Why does Jesus wait so long to go to the aid of Lazarus?

So that God would be glorified. The thought was that the spirit stayed with the body for 3 days. So if Lazarus came back to life in three days it could be explained. The fact that four days had passed made his resurrection a miracle.
What made the raising of Lazarus seem a little more difficult?

The fact that four days had passed made his resurrection a miracle.
What worried the chief priests and Pharisees about Jesus' performing signs?

They were afraid that everyone would believe in Jesus
Whose skin were they thinking about? What was the final solution?

They were thinking about their own influence and power. Ultimately they decided that Jesus must die
In defending Mary's anointing him, whom did Jesus say we would always have with us?

Jesus aid we always have the poor with us. We always have opportunity to meet the needs of the poor. We will not always have time to do for Jesus, or the kingdom.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

John 7 - 9

What flows out of the believer's heart?

Streams of living water will flow from within those who believe.
How does Jesus respond to the woman caught in adultery?

He doesn’t condemn her and tells her to go and sin no more.
As believers continue to follow Jesus, abiding in his word, they are his disciples. What will they come to know? What will that do for them?

John 8:31 ff those who abide in Jesus’ teaching are actually his disciples. They will know the truth and the truth of Jesus will set them free.
Jesus is the light of the world. He came into the world for judgment so what could happen to people both positively and negatively?

Those who follow Jesus as the Light will never walk in darkness. AND, will have the light of life.

Monday, March 10, 2008

John 4-6

What did Jesus ask of the woman of Samaria? What did he offer her?

Jesus asked he for a drink of water. He offered her living water. Not the water from a cistern. But artesian water, that came from a spring!. In reality he offered her the refreshment of himself. It would quench her spiritual thirst forever.
How do true worshipers worship the Father?

They worship in Spirit and in truth
What motivated Jesus' enemies to seek all the more to kill him?

The Jews persecuted Jesus because he was healing on the Sabbath. They sought all the more to kill him because he was calling God his father, making himself equal to God.

The feeding of the 5,000 is the only miracle recorded by all 4 Gospels. What does John's account of the miracle report that the other 3 don't?

The other accounts of the miracle are found in Matthew 14; Mark 6; and Luke 9. John makes the additional note that the people identified him as "the prophet who is to come into the world." (Messiah). However, they saw him as an earthly leader, rather than the spiritual ruler who came to establish his spiritual kingdom, the kingdom of God. John continues to make the point to refer to Jesus in spiritual terms. All that takes place in John’’s gospel takes place on at least two levels - physical and spiritual.
For what reason did Jesus say that the people were looking for him?

They were looking for him to make him king by force.

How does Jesus describe himself in relation to bread?

Jesus describes himself as the bread of life. Those who come to him will never be hungry or thirsty.

Sunday, March 09, 2008

John 1-3

What words/phrase does John use to describe the birth of Jesus?

John uses the words and phrases to refer to Jesus as the Word, who became flesh, and dwelt among us. Also, as one who came from the Father.

What phrase does John the Baptist use to identify Jesus?

He describes him as , one who comes after me, yet was before me. He is full of grace giving blessing after blessing. Also, Jesus is the one who has made the Father known. John refers to Jesus as, "The lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world."
What is the first miracle that Jesus does in John's Gospel?

The first miracle Jesus does in John’s gospel is to change water into wine.

Who was confused about being born again or born from above? What is necessary to enter the Kingdom of God?

Nicodemus was confused about being born again. In order to enter the Kingdom of God, one needs to be born again. Not a physical birth (through water) but a spiritual birth (through the Holy Spirit)
Who and how much does God love?

God so loved the world (everyone, i.e., all he created) so much that God sent his one and only - only one like him- (begotten) son so that the world might believe in him and receive eternal life.

Saturday, March 08, 2008

2 Corinthians 10-13

If we are to boast how are we to do it?

Let us boast in the Lord. For, it is the Lord who makes us commendable, not any of the works we might do.

Who can be disguised as an angel of light? Ministers of righteousness?

Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. And satan’s servants masquerade as servants (ministers) of righteousness.

Why was he given a 'thorn in the flesh?' How was it overcome? Why is Paul willing to boast of his weakness?

Paul was given a thorn in the flesh to keep him from being conceited. It never left even though he prayed to God for healing. However, it was overcome by God’s grace. Paul boasts of his weakness so that the power of God might rest upon him. For, in Christ when Paul is weak he is strong!

For what reason does Paul call us to examine ourselves? Who is in us?

We are to examine ourselves to see whether we re in the faith or not. Christ Jesus is in us.

Friday, March 07, 2008

2 Corinthians 7-9

What comes from godly grief? Worldly grief?

Godly sorrow (grief) brings about repentance that leads to repentance. For, we are sorry that we have disappointed God. We become earnest in our desire to see justice done. Worldly sorrow (grief) brings death.
Who became poor for our sakes? How did he become poor for us?

Jesus became poor for our sakes by leaving His heavenly throne and enter into our world born not at the king’s palace but in a stable.
What kind of giver does God love? What does generosity produce?

God loves a cheerful giver. Generosity produces thanksgiving to God.

Thursday, March 06, 2008

2 Corinthians 4-6

To whom is the gospel veiled? What is the treasure in clay jars?

The gospel is veiled to those who are perishing. The treasure is the message of life; the gospel.
What does it mean to be a 'new creation' in Christ?

To be a new creation in Christ means that the old life is gone.

How are we urged to receive the grace of God? What does that mean?

Do not receive God’s grace in vain. By the grace of God we find salvation. By not accepting God’s grace of salvation God has provided it in vain. In other words, the gift goes unopened. What a waste of a gift

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

2 Corinthians 1-3

How are we comforted? How are we able to comfort others?

We are comforted by Jesus Christ who is the father of compassion, and the God of all comfort. He comforts us in all our troubles. He does this so that we can then become the source of comfort to others through the same comfort we ourselves have received.
In what kind of procession does Christ always lead us?

Jesus always leads us in a triumphal procession.

What is found where the Spirit of the Lord is?

Where the spirit of the lord is, there is freedom.

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

1 thessalonians 4-5

How are we to live? To what did God not call us? In what did He call us? What/Whom is being rejecte when the call to purity is rejected?

We are to live to please God. We have not been called to be impure, but to live a holy life. When we reject the call to purity we are rejecting God, who gives us the oly Spirit who lives within us.
What armor are Christians to put on? For what purpose?

Faith and love as a breastplate. The hope of salvation as a helmet. So we would not suffer wrath but receive salvation.

Monday, March 03, 2008

Bonus posting

4 Lies for not Giving

I Thesalonians 1-3

From whom did the Thessalonians turn? Whom do they now serve?

They turned from idols to serve the living and true God and are waiting for the return of the Son.

How did Paul and his companions care for and deal with the Thessalonians?

They were gentle and cared for them like a mother caring for her little children. They shared their very life with them. Also, they worked day and night so as not to be a burden to them. In addition Paul and his associates dealt with the Thessalonians as a father deals with his own children – encouraging, comforting, urging them to live lives worthy of the calling of God.

Because of persecutions against the Thessalonians what was Paul afraid might have happened among them?

Paul was fearful that the tempter might have tempted them and their efforts might have been useless.

Sunday, March 02, 2008

3rd John

For what is Diotrephes criticized?

Diotrephes loved to be first. He was also maliciously gossiping about Paul and his fellow workers. And, he was kind of snooty, refusing to welcome the brothers.

Saturday, March 01, 2008

2 John

Who are the deceivers? What's another name for a deceiver?

Deceivers are those who do not acknowledge Jesus as coming in the flesh. Another name for deceiver is anti-christ.

Friday, February 29, 2008

Hebrews 11-13

What is faith? What happens by faith? What are some examples of biblical faith? What did the people of faith see and greet from a distance?

Faith is being sure of what we hope for but cannot see. If we can see it and if we have it, then it is not faith. By faith we understand that God formed the universe. Examples of Biblical faith include but is not limted to, Abel who offered a better sacrifice than Cain. Enoch by faith did not see death. By faith Noah built an Ark even though it had never rained.

The people saw by faith at a distance that which they were promised.

For whose good might God discipline us? For what reason? What fruit does discipline yield?

God’s discipline is for out own good so that we amy share in God’s holiness. The harvest of discipline is righteousness and peace.

What can happen by showing hospitality to strangers? Who is the same through all time?

Some showing hospitality to strangers have entertained angels.
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Hebrews 8-10

What is the nature of the new covenant mediated through Jesus?

In the new covenant the Lord will put his laws in their minds, write them on their hearts. The people will belong to God. God will no longer remember their sins.
In the new covenant those that are called will receive eternal inheritance and set free from their sins committed under the 1st covenant.
What did Christ appear at the end of the age to remove? How?

Jesus appeared at the end of the ages to do away with sin by the sacrifice of himself.

We are to consider how to provoke one another to do what? What are we not to neglect that has become the habit of some?

We are provoke one another toward love and good deeds. And not neglect meeting together as some are in the habit of doing.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Hebrews 5-7

How did Christ learn obedience? What did he then become? For whom?

Jesus learned obedience from his sufferings. He became the source of eternal salvation for all who obey.
What are the two unchangeable things of God that set hope before us?

He two unchangeable things of God that set before us is that God has taken an oath and God does not lie. This hope that we have, more of an assurance, is the anchor for our soul, firm and secure.
Who is Melchizedek? Why doesn't our high priest need to make continued sacrifice?

Melchizedek was the king of Salem and priest of he most high God. A very mysterious chap to say the least. He appears and disappears.

Our high priest does not need to continually offer up sacrifices because he is without personal sin and he has offered himself up as a sacrifice for our sins.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Hebrews 3-4

How does Jesus compare to Moses? Why? Who is the house of God?

Jesus is superior to Moses. Jesus was faithful to the one who appointed him just as Moses. Moses was faithful as a servant but Jesus was faithful as a son over God’s house. And, we are the house of God.
Why can believers approach the throne of grace with boldness?

Because Jesus is our high priest who sympathizes with our weaknesses.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Hebrews 1-2

In what ways is the Son of God superior to the angels?
The son of God is superior to the angels in that He is heir of all things, He made the universe, He is the radiant glory and the exact representation of God who sustains all things, and he now sits at theright hand of the Majesty in heaven.
What does it mean for us that Jesus himself was tested by suffering?
It mens that just as Jesus suffered when he was tempted, he is able to help us as we are tempted.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Luke 22-24

How did the disciples know where to prepare the Passover?

They knew where to prepare the Passover meal because Jesus instructed them where to go and what to do. Evidently Jesus had mad plans before hand.

As Jesus prayed on the Mount of Olives what did his sweat become like?

As Jesus prayed he sweat drops of blood, illustrating the intensity of his prayer.

What charges were brought against Jesus? Was he found to be guilty?

Jesus was accused by the Jews of being a subversive. He was also accused of telling the people not to pay their taxes. When no basis was found for the charges they then accused Jesus of stirring up the people by his teaching. Neither Pilate nor Herod found any grounds for the charges.

What was the name of the place where Jesus was crucified?

Jesus was crucified at the place called the Skull.

According to Luke what 3 statements did Jesus make from the cross?
    1. "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing."

    2. "I tell you the truth, today you will be with me in paradise."

    3. "Father, into your hands I commit my spirit."

What things did Jesus do after his resurrection so that his disciples were able to recognize him?

Jesus ate with them. He invited them to touch his hands and feet.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Luke 17-21

What made one of the ten lepers different?
He was a Samaritan. He was an outcast hardly worth healing. Oh and one more thing that made him different.... He came back to say, "thank you!"
Who was it that went home from the temple justified? Why?
The tax collector went home justified because he humbled himself before the Lord. Now he was still a tax collector and I am assuming still cheating people in order to make money for himself. Yet his humility and recognition of his sinfulness is what justified him before God.
What did Zacchaeus offer to do when Jesus came to his house? How did Jesus respond?
Zacchaeus offered to give half of his possessions to the poor and to return four times as much as he took wrongly from others. Jesus promptly announced that salvation had come to Zacchaeus.
Even if Jesus ordered his disciple to stop praising him what would cry out in praise?
Jesus said if his disciples were forced to be quiet the stones would cry out in praise.
To what event does the parable of the vineyard point?
The parable of the Vineyard points to the coming rejection, arrest, crucifixion of Jesus at the hands of the Jews who rejected him.
What do the Sadducees not believe?
The Sadducees do not believe in the Resurrection. That is why they are "Sad u See"
Jesus told the parable of the fig tree as a way of knowing what was near?
Jesus told the parable of the fig tree as a way of knowing whne the Kingdom of God would be near.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Luke 13-16

What does the parable of the fig tree suggest about repentance?

This is such a great parable, but I don’t think it is focused so much on repentance. It is a parable of the care and concern and desire God has for people to repent. Fig trees, as I understand them have no need for much care. Either they bear fruit or don’t. Through this parable we see the extent God will go in seeing people redeemed and bearing fruit. AND, we must also see that at some point, as great as God’s desire is, there is a limit to what God can do to bring about repentance.
Who is invited into the kingdom?

Everyone is invited. We must accept the invitation.
How does God act toward those who are lost?

The parable of the lost sheep, coin, and sons reveals the extent to which God will go in seeking that which is lost. It also reveals God’s limitations. He can search for the prodigal son. He can give an explanation to the older son, but they have to come home!

Another aspect of this parable is that God desires that we (who know God through Jesus Christ) should have the same desire for the lost world as the father does for his lost sons.

What was Jesus wanting to teach when he told the story about Lazarus and the rich man?

Be aware, eternity is not like this earthly life. What we do and how we treat those who are in need have eternal implications. God has already provided what we need to follow him. The sensational and spectacular are not any more influential in a person decision to follow Jesus than the normal day to day acts of God in our world.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Luke 9-12

Who will the Son of Man be ashamed of when he comes in his glory?

The Son of man will be ashamed of the one who is ashamed of Jesus and his words.
Who is the greatest?

The greatest is the one who is the least

Who are we to love as ourselves?

We are to love our neighbor as our self. Who is my neighbor? More importantly, who is your neighbor?

What was the better part that Mary chose?

Mary chose to stop and listen to the teaching of Jesus.
What did Jesus say to be like when praying?

Like a persistent neighbor. Do you have other insights?

What does one's life not consist of?

Life is more than the food we eat and the clothes we wear.
What can we add to our span of life by worrying about our life?

Worry cannot add a thing to the length of our life. Perhaps all it can do is shorten it.

What treasures are you storing up for the future? Where is your heart?

Isn’t that the "BIG" question. It seems as if we are all tempted to store up treasures in this life. where IS your heart?

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Luke 5-8

What professions did some of the disciples hold before following Jesus?

Before following Jesus some of the disciples were fishermen (most of them) at least one was a tax collector. And one was a Zealot. He was a member of a political party that actively sought the overthrow of the Roman Empire in Palestine. He was Zealous for the independence of Palestine.

What did Jesus ask us to do to our enemies? To others we meet in life?
Jesus asks us to love our enemies. To do good to everyone we meet in this life. This includes turning the other cheek, giving without expectation of getting back. In short, do to others what you would like them to do to you.

What did Jesus have to say about judging, condemning, and forgiving?
Simple....Don’t judge or condemn. Do forgive.

What might have prompted John the Baptist to ask if Jesus was the Messiah?

John was in prison. He was reviewing his life and wondering whether his life was making any difference. He was following God and here he was in prison. Maybe he made a mistake along the way.
Who is likely to love the most?

The one who is likely to love the most is the one who has been forgiven most.
Where do you fit in the parable of the sower?

You tell me!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Luke 1-4

What angel brought news of upcoming births to Zechariah and Mary?

Angel of the Lord, Gabriel was the angel who brought the news of the birth of John and Jesus.

What was the reason Zechariah couldn't speak?

Zechariah could not speak because he didn’t believe what the angel said. He wanted an assurance, a sign, proof .

When would he be able to speak again?

Zechariah would be able to speak when the fulfillment of the promise came to be; that is, when John was born.

Who was the child born to Zechariah and Elizabeth?


What things did Mary treasure and ponder in her heart?

The things that the Shepherds told as they left the presence of Jesus. The Shepherds went and told. Mary treasured them up in her heart. She would need the memories of these events to see her through many of the events of Jesus life. Also Mary treasured the things Jesus said when he made his statement of purpose before his parents that he must be about his father’s business.

Who are the two people who were awaiting the birth of the Messiah?

One person awaiting the birth of the Messiah was Simeon. The other was Anna. From what is God able to raise up children to Abraham? God is able to raise up children from Stones

What are the 3 temptations Jesus faced in the wilderness? How does he respond to them?

Jesus faced the temptation of turning the stone to brad; the 2nd temptation was to bow down and worship satan in exchange for the glory, authority and splendor of the worldly kingdoms. The 3rd temptation was to prove who he was by some glorious act - throwing himself off the top of the Temple. Jesus responds to each temptation by reciting scripture.

From what scroll did Jesus read to his hometown folk? What got them so upset that they wanted to hurl him off a cliff?

When Jesus was asked to read in his hometown synagogue he read from Isaiah 61. They were amazed at his gracious words. Then Jesus began to speak. When he spoke of gentiles as being part of God’s plan for redemption the people were furious.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Galatians 5-6

What is the only thing that counts?

The only thing that counts is faith...which is expressed through love. (Galatians 5:6). So, even Paul suggests that our faith must have an outward expression. The evidence of our faith is the acts of love we do. That is a measure of faith.

How is the law summed up?
Galatians 5:14 The entire law is summed up in a single command: "Love your neighbor as yourself."15If you keep on biting and devouring each other, watch out or you will be destroyed by each other.The wisdom of that statement is self evident!

Name the 9 parts of the fruit of the spirit.

Galatians 5:22 love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23gentleness and self-control. Please notice that these are not fruits (Plural) of the spirit. There is just one fruit. It is made up of several components. To bear the fruit of the spirit is to bear ALL of these components.

How is a transgressor to be restored?

A transgressor is to be restored, gently.

Sowing to the flesh reaps what? To the Spirit? What is our society reaping?

One who sows seeds of the flesh reaps destruction one who sows the seeds of the spirit reaps eternal life.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Galatians 3-4

All who rely on the law are under a _______. How are we clothed with Christ?

Curse. Following the law for righteousness or salivation requires that we continue to do everything the law requires. God luck to those of you who are depending on your obedience to the law as your evidence of salvation.

As for me, the just shall live by faith. My faith is in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ for my sins.

We are clothed with Christ through our baptism.
Baptism is not our salvation. However baptism is the outward clothing, covering, that we put over our salvation.

The Galatians are not children of the flesh but children of the?

The Galatians as believers are children of the Promise. The promise is the promise that God gave Abraham. Abraham wasn’t sure of the specifics of the promise except that God had called him and promised him a great nation.
We have the specifics of the promise. It is Jesus Christ.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Galatians 1-2

How can there be 'another gospel'? From where did Paul get the gospel?

There can’t be another gospel. Paul received the gospel by revelation from Jesus Christ (1:11)
If justification comes through works of the law what did Christ die for? What is nullified if justification comes through works of the law?

If justification could come through works of the law then Jesus died for nothing, and the grace of God is nullified.

Friday, February 15, 2008


What is the relationship of Onesimus to Philemon? What might it be?

Onesimus is the runaway slave of Philemon. The relationship could be that of a "dear brother." (V. 16)

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Colossians 3-4

Living a new life in Christ what are we to get rid of? With what are we to clothe ourselves? What is to rule in our hearts? Dwell in us?

Living our new life in Christ Paul tells us to get rid of whatever belongs to our earthly nature. Instead we are to clothe ourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience. We are bear with one another, forgive our grievances against one another. Forgive as God has forgiven us. AND on top of all this put on LOVE, which holds everything together.

What are the Christian duties of wives, husbands, children, parents, servants, bosses?

Our duty to one another is to submit to one another. To respect one another. To be sensitive to one another. To defer to one another. The peace of Jesus is to rule in our hearts and life. The peace that surpasses all understanding. That kind of peace requires us to be thankful people. Without the attitude of gratitude we cannot know God’s peace. We are to let the Word of Christ dwell in us richly.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Colossians 1-2

How is Christ described in 1 Colossians? Of whom is he the image?

In Colossians 1 Jesus is described as the one through whom we have redemption, that is, the forgiveness of our sins. Jesus is the image of the invisible God. If God is invisible how can we see an image? The wind is also invisible. Do we ever see an image of the wind?

Paul continues on to describe Jesus as the firstborn of all creation. The one who created all things. Jesus was before all things (not created), and through whom all things hold together. All things were created for him as well. Jesus is the head of the body, the church. Jesus is the beginning and the firstborn from among the dead. Jesus is supreme. Through Jesus all things are reconciled to God and are at peace with God because of Jesus’ blood shed on the cross.

When we were dead in our trespasses how did God make us alive

2:13 We were made alive with Jesus. God forgave us all our sins, canceling the written code (the law?) that opposed us and stood against us. He took it away and nailed it to the cross.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Acts 25-28

Before what King does Paul appear? Who is with the King?
Paul appears before King Agrippa. His wife is with him.

What does the King think Paul is trying to do?

He thinks Paul is trying to persuade him to become a Christian

In his 'I told you so' address aboard the boat to Italy, what did Paul urge them to do?

Paul urged them to keep their courage.

What would be the outcome? How did Paul know?

The ship would be lost but they would not lose their life. An angel of God appeared to Paul and revealed all of his to him.

How many people were on board the ship? What plan did the soldiers have for the prisoners? Upon what island did they safely arrive?

There were 276 people on board. The soldiers planned to kill the prisoners so they would not get away. They found themselves shipwrecked on eh island of Malta.

What caused the island natives to think Paul was a god?

When Paul got bit by a snake and did not die they though he was a god. Notice that at first they thought he was some murderer since he got bit. They assumed he as getting what he deserved after being spared from death on the ship. People sure are fickle aren’t they. Their thoughts are quite unstable!

Where is Paul located at the end of Acts? How long was he there? What did he do there?

The book of Acts ends with Paul in Rome. He stays there two years and "Boldly and without hindrance he preached the kingdom of God and taught about the Lord Jesus Christ."

Monday, February 11, 2008

Acts 21-24

Who stirred up the crowd against Paul? What were their charges against Paul? Were they true?

Some Jews from the province of Asia who were in Jerusalem stirred up the crowd. They charged Paul with teaching against people following the law and that Paul had brought Greeks (Gentiles) into the Temple. From the previous discussion with James and the Elders it appears that Paul had instructed those who were Jews and lived among the gentiles that they did not have to live under or follow the law.

Paul did not bring a gentile into the temple and Paul did not teach that people should not follow the law. I think he taught them that it was up to them. What was necessary was that, "...they should abstain from food sacrificed to idols, from blood, from the meat of strangled animals and from sexual immorality."

How does Paul get out of being flogged?

Paul claims his Roman citizenship and is not flogged.
How did Paul arouse a clamor among the chief priests and council?

He pitted them against each other. The Sadducees (who did not believe in the resurrection) versus the Pharisees (who did believe in the resurrection). Paul claimed he was being arrested because of his belief in the resurrection

How were the Jewish leaders going to do away with Paul?

They were going to assassinate him while he was being transported to be questioned further.

What did Felix do with Paul'?

Felix kept Paul in jail waiting for Paul to offer a bribe. No bribe so Paul remained in prison for 2 years until Felix as no longer in control.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Acts 17-20

When Paul entered a city where did he go first? For what purpose?

Paul would first go to the Synagogue to reason with them from the scriptures. Again this points to the importance of having a foundation from which to speak. The folks in the synagogue had a "history." They knew about Jehovah God, and God’s plan and purpose for the world. Any converts from the Synagogue would serve as a core group for Paul’s work with the gentiles, who had no such background.
In what city had the citizens set up an altar to 'an unknown god'? How did Paul make use of the 'unknown god'?

Athens. He basically commended them for their insight in recognizing an unknown god. Paul then proceeds to inform them of who this unknown God is.

What couple explained the Way of God more accurately to Apollos?

Priscilla & Aquila

What/Who stirred up a riot in Ephesus? How was it stilled? By whom?

Demetrius stirred up the riot over the economic impact following Jesus would have on his ability to make a living. (Making silver shrines of Artemis).

You can write this on a rock. While we may have many reasons for our actions, the number one motivator in how we respond to the call of God in our life is financial (economics).
We determine what we will do for God based on the effect it has on us economically.

After taking the financial options into consideration some follow God’s call others ignore or explain away God’s call.

The bottom line is that where our treasure is.... our heart follows.

The controversy quieted down when the city clerk appealed to their right to sue in the courts!

What happened to Eutychus? What did Paul do?

As Paul talked on and on... Eutychius fell asleep and fell out of the window and died. Paul raised him back to life...and continued preaching.

What did Paul say he did with his own hands? For what reason?

With his own hands, he raised his own support to supply the needs of himself and his companions. He did this in order to be able to give (money) to those in need. Or, at least have the resources available to help those in need whom Paul describes as weaker. For it truly is "more blessed to give than receive."

Is it? How are we practicing giving more than we receive?

Saturday, February 09, 2008

Acts 13-16

What happened to Elymas the magician for opposing Saul and Barnabas?

Elymas was blinded. It appears to be similar to what happened to Paul before he became a believer. Interesting note here is that as a result of Elymas’ blinding the proconsul believed. And we are left to surmise that Elymas’ blindness was
only temporary.

After healing a lame man in Lystra whom did the locals think Paul was?

Gods - Silas was Zeus. Zeus, in Greek mythology had supreme authority on earth and Mt. Olympus.

Paul was Hermes. In Greek mythology Hermes was the son of Zeus and was considered the messenger of the gods.

In reality Jehovah God is the authority on earth and heaven. And, in reality, Paul was the messenger of Jehovah God.

EXTRA CREDIT: Why were elders appointed and not elected by the congregation? Since this was the practice then, should this be the practice now?

Acts 14:23 23Paul and Barnabas appointed elders for them in each church and, with prayer and fasting, committed them to the Lord, in whom they had put their trust.

What did some of the Jerusalem Christians say was needed to be saved?

Circumcision. That is, that one had to become a Jew in order to be saved.

Paul and Silas' chains were loosed. Why didn't they leave the prison?

They were concerned for the well being of their jailer. As a result of their trust in God for their safety and security they were able to connect with the Jailer.

When we are able to trust God with our present and future as God wants us to trust Him, we become less concerned about our well-being and our own interests because we know that God has "our back." This frees us to take advantage of opportunities that God presents.

If Paul and Silas were concerned about saving themselves the jailer would never have accepted Jesus.

Friday, February 08, 2008

Acts 9-12

Saul was after those who belonged to a group called by what name?

The Way

What happened to Saul on the way to Damascus?

He was struck down blind by God. God got his attention.

Peter raised a woman from death in Joppa. What names did she have?

Tabbitha and Dorcas

What was the purpose of Peter's vision of the sheet full of food?

10:34 34Then Peter began to speak: "I now realize how true it is that God does not show favoritism 35but accepts men from every nation who fear him and do what is right.

Where is the name 'Christian' first used?

Antioch (11:26)

How did Peter get out of prison?

He walked out. The Church had been praying for him and God acted miraculously.

Thursday, February 07, 2008

Acts 5-8

What happened to Ananias and Sapphira? Why?

Ananias and Sapphira were killed dead by God for selling a piece of property, keeping part of the proceeds, but reporting that they had donated the total price to the care of the saints in Jerusalem.

It wasn’t that they kept part of the money but that they were not truthful in telling what they did. It was like they wanted the glory without paying the price. This sort of thing happens today I am sure. When we are not quite honest about what we give, or take credit for giving more than we do. While the result may not be as dranmatic, struck down dead, God views it the same way.

I think the reason why there was such a dramatic response by God is that this was to serve as an example and foundation of the right way to do things, as Christianity begins.

What happens to an undertaking of human origin? What if it is of God?

Undertakings of human origin do not last. If it is of God it cannot be stopped. I think that is true today as Walnut Street Baptist Church undertakes relocating.

For what task were the seven men 'of good standing, full of the Spirit and of wisdom, chosen?

They were chosen to wait on the tables of the widows. Their task was to serve so that the apostles could continue to study, pray, and preach the gospel. This group to some extent serves as the first deacons. The word “serve” is a form of the word from which we get the word “deacon.” (GR: Diakonos).

The biblical role of the deacons in the church today follows this example. They are to partner with the pastor in ministry to the congregation, such as, in visiting shut ins and caring for church families.

Ken Hemphill, the Southern Baptist Convention's National Strategist for Empowering Kingdom Growth, expands and expounds on this view of the deacons biblical role in today's church.

"The Ministry of Deacons." Click here to read the article.

What connection was there between Stephen and Saul?

As Stephen was being stoned, Saul was holding their coats. I think they call that aiding and abetting. The inclusion of this tidbit of information gives us a picture of what Saul (Pail) was like before his conversion. His past did not keep him from serving God in the fullest sense.

What did the Ethiopian eunuch ask Philip to do?

The Ethiopian Eunuch invited Philip into his chariot to explain the scriptures to him. Then he wanted to know what should keep him from being baptized.

The scene here is of Philip being ready, in the right place, and willing to share the gospel. However, he waits upon the invitation of the one who is lost (The Ethiopian).

This is a great model for us to follow as we seek to reach those who neeed to know Jesus in a personal way. We must be prepared and ready and wait for the opportunity to present itself.

Too often we are very prepared. In fact, we are spending much time in preparation. In fact, we are actually over prepared, but we are not ready. We are not seeking out those opportunities.

As we wait for Spring to approach, and the beginning of baseball season, allow me to offer this illustration. It is like we are in perpetual Spring training, getting ready for the major league season to begin, working on our fundamentals, game plan, and going over all possible scenarios, but we never move north to begin the season. We are never ready…. we are alwasy in Spring training...

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Acts 1-4

The beginning of Acts refers to a first book. It has the same name as the author of Acts. What book is it?

The book of Luke

Who is to know the time when the Kingdom will be restored?

Only the father

Who replaced Judas and how was he chosen? By whom was he chosen?

Matthias ; by lot (throwing dice - casting lots) He was chosen by the remaining Apostles.

  • Whatever happened to Matthias?

  • Who are the apostles today?

  • Has their been a succession of Apostles through the years with each genereation appointing the next generation of Apostles?

  • We hear nothing more of Matthias. His addition to the group seems to be unimportant.

What happened on Pentecost?

The Holy Spirit descends on the group. The presence of the Holy Spirit finds the focus not on the Holy Spirit but on the Jesus. The gospel is preached. The Holy Spirit always points away from Self and towards Jesus.

What did those who heard the disciples speaking think about them?

They thought they were drunk when they heard their utterances which was not
unintelliogible tongues but differnt languiages.

What happened to the lame man at the Beautiful Gate?

He was healed Peter took him by the hand and ... 8He jumped to his feet and began to walk. Then he went with them into the temple courts, walking and jumping, and praising God.

Who is the stone whom the builders rejected? What has he become?

Jesus is the stone the Jews rejected. and Jesus has become the chief stone, the capstone.

Tuesday, February 05, 2008


According to Jude who are the ones causing divisions among the faithful? How are the faithful to respond?

Godless men who change the grace into a license for immorality and deny Jesus
Christ our only Sovereign and Lord.

Respond: V. 20 build yourselves up in your most holy faith and pray in the Holy Spirit. 21Keep yourselves in God's love as you wait for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ to bring you to eternal life. 22Be merciful to those who doubt; 23snatch others from the fire and save them; to others show mercy, mixed with fear——hating even the clothing stained by corrupted flesh.

Monday, February 04, 2008

Romans 14-16

Whether we live or whether we die whose are we?

We are the Lord’s. Regardless of what happens in our life, we have the assurance that we belong to the Lord!

Living in harmony how are Christians to glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ?

Romans 15:6 With one heart and mouth, in a spirit of unity, accepting one another in the same way that Jesus accepted us.

How are the Romans to greet one another?
With a holy Kiss

Sunday, February 03, 2008

Romans 12-13

How can you be a living sacrifice?

To be a living sacrifice includes the renewing of your mind. It includes not conforming to the norms of this world. It involves being transformed . In includes a radical change in our thinking and outlook. It includes a new world view.

Our understanding of presenting our selves as a sacrifice conjures up images of being burnt at the stake or some physical act that takes our life from us. This kind of sacrifice can only be done once. So in a sense it is an easy sacrifice (only one time). A more difficult sacrifice,(Which Paul is talking about) involves us continually, daily, moment by moment giving ourselves (desires, goals, actions) in a pleasing way to God. It does not mean that we cannot fulfill any of our own desires, goals, actions. It means we first offer ourselves to the Lord.

In the Old Testament sacrificial system. Most of the sacrifices were like this: One would bring their sacrifice to the priest in the temple who would kill it, dress it, take a portion of the meat (the fat) and offer it up on the burning altar to God. Take a portion for himself. The priests in those days were so obese. Many of them suffered from Gout. After that was done, the rest of the meat was taken and eaten by those who brought it.

What fulfills the law?

(13:10) Loving your fellow man... one another! How radical. However it does sum up Jesus’ command.

Saturday, February 02, 2008

Romans 9-11

Who are counted as the descendants who are the children of God?

Not all who have descended from Israel are Israel. (Romans 9:6ff)
Clearly Paul writes that it is not the naturally born children who are God’s Children
(the Jews) but the children of promise. The children of promise are those who have faith in God through Jesus Christ. Definitely it is not by works but by God’s choice. And God has chosen that those who trust Jesus are God’s children. Paul also writes in 10:12 that there is no difference between Jew & Gentile. How is it then that some talk about a different plan of salvation for the Jew over the gentile. Specifically that the Jews will have another chance to accept the Messiah (Jesus). How can this be? The message of the gospel (10:13) is that all who call upon the name of the Lord will be saved. Chapter 10 definitely portrays the Jews as being obstinate and refusing to believe in Jesus.

From where does faith come?

Faith comes by hearing the message through the word of Christ.

Who has received God's mercy because of Israel's disobedience?

The Gentiles. Paul reckons that the gentiles salvation ought to motivate the Jews to accept what the Gentiles have accepted.

Friday, February 01, 2008

Romans 5-8

What is God's free gift?

Eternal life
How do we get it?

Through Jesus Christ
What are the wages of sin?


When Paul wants to do good what lies close at hand?


Who rescues him?

Jesus Christ our Lord!

Who / what will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ?


Thursday, January 31, 2008

Romans 4-5

What does the law bring?
The law brings wrath. God's anger!

What is not present when there is no law?
The value of the laws is found in what it reveals. While it does noting to restore, it reveals to us how far we are from God.How has God proven his love for us? While we were still in our sins Jesus died for us

What does that mean?
It means that God chose to bring us back into relationship with him through action, not words, warm fuzzy feelings, philosophy, or intellectual verbiage.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Romans 1-3

How does Paul define the Gospel?

The gospel is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes

What happens when people fail to honor God as God and thank him?

When we fail to honor God or thank God our hearts are darkened. We become foolish because we think ourselves wise but are not. For we have exchanged the truth of the gospel for mere images

What happens when we pass judgment on another?

We judge ourselves. For, we are as guilty as they. We do the same things we accuse others of doing. O how true!

For what reason can no one be justified/saved in God's sight by the law?

The purpose of the law is not to bring us salvation or to save us. The purpose of the law is to make us conscious of sin. A mirror does nothing to make us look good. Simply, a mirror shows us what needs to be fixed.

Since all have sinned how are we then justified/saved?

We are saved through faith in Jesus Christ. No matter who we are Jew or Gentile the way of righteousness is the same. 3;24 states we, are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

1 Timothy 4-6

Why is the behavior and treatment of widows a concern?

The resources of the church (at Ephesus) were quite limited. And, while the church had a responsibility to the widows, they did not have unlimited resources. So the needs had to be prioritized. The general teaching Paul gives to Timothy is that those who are able to care for themselves should. Those who have families to care for them should be cared for by their families. Those who seek for the church to provide care should have some relationship with the church. Rather than a Carte Blanche responsibility, the responsibility of the church is first to those of the church.

Now, how well do we take care of the widows of the church who are in need?

What is the root of many kinds of evil? Of what are Christians to take hold?
The love of money is the root of many kinds of evil. Christians are to take hold of the eternal life found in Jesus. Do we eagerly pursue money and take for granted our salvation? should it not be the other way around?

Monday, January 28, 2008

1 Timothy 1-3

For what reason(s) is Paul instructing Timothy with this letter?

Paul is instructing Timothy to stay in Ephesus (is he wanting to bailout?) And command certain men not to teach false doctrines, nor devote themselves to myths and endless genealogies. It seems that these false teachers were focusing on the law,which Paul implies is good for those who are lawbreakers, not the righteous.

For whom are we to pray? For what reason(s)?
We are to pray for everyone.(2:1) Which reminds me, several years ago I started putting the Interfaith councils prayer list in the Bulletin and Newsletter. The list included faith communities which were clearly not Christian. More than one person took me to task for including these groups as a focus of our prayers. Here Paul’s admonishing the Ephesians to remember everyone in prayer, not just fellow Christians. Read I Timothy 2:1 again

What guidelines are given for leaders in the church?

    • For overseers, bishops, pastors (Greek word is "Episkopos") the guidelines are:
      Above reproach, the husband of but one wife, temperate, self-controlled, respectable, hospitable, able to teach, not given to drunkenness, not violent, gentle, not quarrelsome, not a lover of money, manages his own family well and see that his children obey him with proper respect, not a recent convert, have a good reputation with outsiders.

    • For Deacons
      The guidelines are are similar. They are to be worthy of respect, sincere, not indulging in much wine, and not pursuing dishonest gain, keep hold of the deep truths of the faith with a clear conscience. They must first be tested; and then if there is nothing against them, let them serve as deacons. They must be the husband of but one wife and must manage their children and household well.

    • Similarly, their wives are to be worthy of respect, not
      malicious talkers but temperate and trustworthy in everything.

Would anyone like to comment on the meaning of "but one wife"?

  • Is Paul’s instruction saying that a man must be married? Must never remarry after his wife dies? Cannot remarry after getting a divorce? Cannot be divorced? In that day when polygamy was common, only one wife at a time?

  • If you have a response I would like to hear it as well as what you base your response on. Do you base your resposnse on what someone else has said? Your understanding of the scripture? What was going on in the culture of the day?

  • How do we quantify the other guidelines such as worthy of respect? what tests are to be given? How much is too much wine? How does one conclude whether a household is managed well?

  • Is Paul presenting a broad instruction such as, that leaders in the church should be of good character as understood by the norms of the day? Or does Paul intend that his instruction be specific to every congregation for all time?
  • Sunday, January 27, 2008

    James 3-5

    What makes the tongue such a dangerous weapon?

    It cannot be tamed. 1:6 6The tongue also is a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body. It corrupts the whole person, sets the whole course of his life on fire, and is itself set on fire by hell.

    What happens when we wish to be a friend of worldly things?
    We become haters of God. So much of what we are and what we have is invested in the world. Too bad...

    What is the result of bringing back one who has wandered from the truth?
    It will save and cover a multitude of sins

    Saturday, January 26, 2008

    James 1-2

    Does God tempt us? How are we tempted? To what can temptation lead? To what does sin give birth? What's the difference between doers and mere hearers of the word?

    God does not tempt us. The implication of the word "tempt" is to get you do make the wrong choice. God doesn’t do that. God instead, "tests" us to get us to make the right choice.

    Temptation comes from our own evil desires which leads us astray into sin and after sin has run its course it leads to death.

    Hearers of the word are those who hear the Word but do not follow it. Doers not only hear the Word but put the Word into practice. There is no lack of those who have heard the Word. We know what we are supposed to do and how we are supposed to live.

    We are quick to give advice, critique what someone else is doing, and make our own plans. We are slow to actually put it into practice. How often have we herd people say, "Walnut Street Baptist Church ought to be doing such and such, reaching so and so." Yet, ask them what specifically are they doing to bring their plan into reality and , some how, for some reason they consider themselves exempt.

    Remember, the laborers in the field reap the harvest!

    What is the danger of showing partiality between rich and poor? What is the royal law of scripture? What is the result of failing in just one point of the law? What is faith without works?

    The danger of showing partiality is that you sin and are convicted by the law as lawbreakers. The royal law of Scripture is to love your neighbor as yourself. You cannot do that if you are partial to some over others.

    The result of failing in one area of the law is to break all of the law.

    Friday, January 25, 2008

    1 john 3 - 5

    How are the children of God to love?

    We ought to lay down our life for one another. Interesting statement to say the least. I’m sure literally it means giving up our physical life for one another. Who is willing to do that? Our response might be, well it depends on who it is. Or we might refer to those who serve in the armed forces and protect us with their very life. And end the discussion there.

    But there is a much deeper meaning to this command. It is the same as in Romans 12: 1-2 Where we are commanded to offer ourselves as living sacrifices to God.
    Sacrificing yourself, and laying down your life for someone else has much more to do with the day to day choices you and I make. We make those choices from the standpoint of what is best for us and our family, rather than what is best for the group or for someone else.

    To somewhat illustrate this point I refer to going though a buffet line. You are first in line or at least near the front. The line is long, the food is limited. Here’s the question, do you fill your plate or do you half fill it in consideration of those who are behind you? And, if there is food left over you can get back in line after everyone has gone through once.

    This may not be the best illustration but it does go to the heart of the matter. How willing are we to be inconvenienced and do with a little less or without, so that someone else might have something?

    For me this is what love is all about! How much do you love.... yourself ??? ....others??? It is evident to all isn’t it?

    How do we know the Spirit of God? The spirit of the anti-christ? Where is love from? Why do we love?

    Those teachings which acknowledge that Jesus has come in the flesh is form God. John is referring to a heresy that claimed that Jesus really did not come in the flesh. They believed that the flesh was evil. So God could not be kept in the flesh. While that heresy is still around today. The greater application of this statement is that we can tell a lot about a teaching (spirits) when we focus on what they believe and teach about Jesus. That is the modern day test.

    The heresy is of the anti-christ. Love is from God and we love because the example of Jesus in loving us first, even though were unlovely. If God can love someone as unlovely as me, I ought to be motivated to love someone I consider unlovely.

    Who are the world's conquerors? God gave us eternal life; where is it?
    Those who have been born of God are the world’s conquerors. They are the ones who believe that Jesus is the son of God. Eternal life is in God’s Son, Jesus. Now that is quite simple and to the point isn’t it?

    Thursday, January 24, 2008

    1 John 1-2

    What do we do if we say that we have no sin? If we confess our sin?

    If we say we have no sin we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. However, if we confess our sins, God is able and willing to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

    What do those who live in the light do? Those who live in darkness?

    Those who walk in the light follow the example of the light, Jesus. They love their brother. (Other Christians. Not just other Christians, but those Christians they work with, live with, and worship with)

    Those who live in darkness are filled with hate and stumble around.

    Wednesday, January 23, 2008

    Mark 13-16

    Who put the greatest offering into the temple treasury? How much? (From Chapter 12)

    The widow. She put in all she had, two small copper coins. If that is the measurement of determining the value of our offering then we in the United States, who routinely out give the world, really don’t give very much. Maybe the real measurement of the value of our offering is not in how much we give…but how much we keep! How much do you keep for yourself? or, maybe another way to put it is, how much do you spend to maintain your lifestyle? Or, do you just like to hold on to it so you can determine where it goes and how it is spent? How much does God receive?

    What did Jesus say would not pass away?

    Heaven and earth will pass away, but God’s word will never pass away.

    When would Jesus drink again of the fruit of the vine?

    He would drink it again in the s Kingdom of God. That is, after his resurrection

    Where did Jesus suggest his captors could have arrested him?

    They could have arrested him in the temple. However, they were afraid to for fear of the people.

    Why did Peter deny Jesus?

    Was it fear? When faced wit the challenge of running away or steadfastly moving forward in the midst of fear which do you choose? Isn’t that the point Mark is attempting to make with his gospel. What are you going to do when your fearful of being persecuted; or losing your very life?

    Whom did the people want set free instead of Jesus? What was his crime?

    Barabbas; an insurrectionist, a revolutionary. He was really trying to overthrow the physical government

    As he was dying whom did Jesus think had forsaken him?

    God! Jesus was quoting from Psalm 22. Had God really forsaken Jesus?Did God really turn his back on Jesus? Read Psalm 22…

    What was the reaction of, the women to the message that Jesus had been raised?

    They were afraid!

    Tuesday, January 22, 2008

    Mark 9-12

    What were the disciples arguing about as they traveled to Capernaum?

    The disciples were arguing over who was the greatest in the Kingdom of God. They were arguing over who would have the highest office when Jesus came into power. Of course, they were expecting a place of honor and ease.
    Who will never enter the Kingdom of God?

    Unless you become as little children you can never enter the Kingdom of God. Jesus is focusing on the innocence and trust of children. Also, children in Jesus’ day were of little or no value. They were expendable. Perhaps there is a connection betweenwhatJesus says here and his discussion about servanthood. To enter the Kingdom of God we need to consider ourselves expendable, care little what value the world places on us, and be willing to be servant of all.

    What two disciples wanted Jesus to do a special favor for them?

    James and John

    What can faith in God take up and throw into the sea?

    This mountain.. I Think Jesus is referring tot the Temple which sits on a mountain. By faith the temple of God resides within us not at a place.
    Should we pay taxes?

    Give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar. Give to God what belongs to God. We pay our taxes whether willingly or reluctantly. Do we give to God what belongs to God or do we embezzle it, by skimming off the top for ourselves?

    Monday, January 21, 2008

    Mark 5-8

    What did Jesus tell the man who was set free from demons to do?

    Mark 5:19 "Go home to your family and tell them how much the Lord has done for you, and how he has had mercy on you."

    Interesting statement Jesus makes. The most natural place for us to share what God has done for us is at home, among our family, friends, and areas of influence. People are often adamant in their talk about the need to share the gospel with those around the world. And yet, ask these same folks what they are doing to share the gospel here at home, and the answer is usually very little. So it is mostly talk.

    If we follow Jesus’ command to the former demon possessed man we would see a growth in God’s kingdom at home and there would be a larger base to reach out to those around the world. As I understand the great commission it begins at home (however, it doesn’t end at home either). For far too long we (WSBC) have neglected the mission field at home. We desperately need to support with our finances, talents, testimony, and time the opportunities for missions here in our communities. When we invest at home we will have a much stronger base to reach out beyond ourselves. Of course, it is so much easier to give a few dollars, send it away, feel good about what we have done, and believe we have done our part for the cause of the gospel.
    We need to practice this biblical truth, "Go to your homes, tell your family and friends how much the Lord has done for you, and how God has been merciful to you!"

    What prevented Jesus from doing deeds of power in his hometown?

    A lack of faith. Isn’t that still the case today. Would God do greater deeds of power among s if we had greater faith? Of course the amount of faith we have is evidenced by what we are willing to attempt.

    What moved Jesus to compassion for the crowd on the lakeshore?

    They were like sheep without a shepherd. He had compassion on those who were wondering about aimlessly without direction or purpose. How do we look at folks like this? With Compassion? Or with little patience?
    How did the Syrophoenician woman challenge Jesus?

    What a marvelous comeback. When Jesus rebukes her rudely, and appears as if he is calling her a dog, she states, "even the dogs under the table eat the children’s crumbs." In interpreting this passage one must take into consideration Mark’s audience. His audience is Roman/gentile. While Jesus was focused on the Jews, theywere not his exclusive focus, as evidenced in this exchange. In fact, this exchange shows that non-jews were much more receptive and had a greater faith in Jesus than the Jews did. Often the case is that those who have great privilege and should know better are found lacking. While those who you least expect have a far greater understanding. So it is today. Those who are introduced to the gospel rather than born into it seem to have a far greater understanding and a greater desire to follow than those who have been a Christian for a number of years.

    When Jesus fed the 5,000 he began with 5 loaves. How many did he feed the 4,000 with?

    7 loaves. Were these two different episodes, or the same one told in a different way?

    Why did the disciples worry about bread after leaving the crowd

    Sunday, January 20, 2008

    Mark 1-4

    How is the beginning of Mark different from the beginning of Matthew?

    It begins not with the birth of Jesus but with the beginning of Jesus’ public ministry (his baptism). Also Mark begins where malachi leaves off. Malachi prophesies of one who is to come and prepare the way for the Messiah. He names him Elijah. Mark picks up that theme and recognizes John the Baptist as the Elijah. Also Mark reads at a much faster pace. A lot happens in just a few verses.
    For whom was the Sabbath made?

    The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath. The day was provided for our rest and refreshment. It was provided so that we might refuel not only our physical life but also our spiritual life. It was provided for our benefit. We were not provided for the benefit of the Sabbath.

    Who are Jesus' brothers and sisters?

    Jesus looked around and claimed all those who do the will of the father are his brothers and sisters. Jesus’ family was trying to get him to come home. They thought he had gone off the deep end. They were concerned about their reputation as much as they were concerned about Jesus. They were trying to put him quietly away.

    The growth of God's kingdom has small beginnings like what kind of seed?

    What did Jesus do that moved the disciples to ask, "Who then is this..."?

    Saturday, January 19, 2008

    I Corinthians 13-16

    What is the greatest gift?

    The greatest gift is love. When love becomes the foundation of our life then all the other issues will fall into place. However, love is not always exciting. Often it is hard. The kind of love Jesus talks about and the Old testament wrote about is a love that puts others before self. "Love the Lord..above all...and Love your neighbor as much as you love yourself.

    What problem did speaking in tongues cause for the church at Corinth?

    According to Paul’s instructions it seems as if tongues had caused confusion in the church. Tongues continue to cause confusion in churches today. Everyone was speaking at the same time. Unbelievers present had no idea what was going on.

    Paul gave instructions concerning speaking in tongues in church
    1) Only one or two during a service
    2) Only one at a time
    2) An interpreter must be present to interpret.
    3) Women should not speak in tongues at all in church.
    4) Everything should be done in a fitting and orderly way.

    What kind of body will the resurrected body be?

    A spiritual body. That does not mean it will be without physical attributes. It will be that and more. We shall have a body like Jesus!

    We are to keep alert, stand firm in faith, be courageous and strong and let all that we do is to be done in ________________?


    Friday, January 18, 2008

    I Corinthians 9-12

    What is the nature/character of Christian freedom?

    Paul articulates the nature and character of our freedom in chapter 9. Basically, I think Paul is saying that we have the freedom and the right to do many things. However, Paul chooses rather than to exercise his freedom to become a slave to all, because if his overwhelming desire to fulfill his ministry of reaching people with the good news of the gospel;. "I became all things to all people so that by all possible ways I might save some." (9:22)

    (10: 23-24) "Everything is permissible"—but not everything is
    beneficial. "Everything is permissible"—but not everything is constructive.
    24Nobody should seek his own good, but the good of others."

    When we have that same desire and put it into action then we will see the hand of God move in mighty ways!

    For what purpose does Paul lift up the wilderness experience as a warning against overconfidence and going through the motions?

    As an example of what we should not do. SO we would not suffer the same consequences as they did.

    What abuses are occurring at the sharing of the Lord's Supper?

      1. Everyone eats when they arrive.
      2. They do not wait on one another.
      3. They eat without considering those who are behind them.
    • If you are more focused on the food and wine than on the fellowship of the meal;
    • If you can’t wait on everyone to get there before you eat, if you are only thinking of yourself as you go through the line, if you are only focused on the food, then stay and eat at home.

    What are some of the grace gifts of the Spirit? Why are they given?

    The gifts are given for the common good. Again, as written in an earlier blog, our gifts are not our own to be used as we deem appropriate. (12:7)7Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good.

    (12:8-11) These grace gifts include: wisdom, the message of knowledge, faith, gifts of healing, miraculous powers, prophecy, distinguishing between spirits, speaking in different kinds of tongues, the interpretation of tongues.

    Thursday, January 17, 2008

    1 Corinthians 5-8

    What disorders does Paul lift up in the behavior of the Corinthians?

    Immorality of a man marrying his step mother. This was forbidden by Jewish law and even Roman society looked down on this kind of behavior. And yet, It was not only happening in the church, those involved did not see anything wrong with it.

    Lawsuits. The church members were suing each other. Providing a poor example
    to the non-believing world. Paul suggests engaging arbitrators to settle arguments rather than going to the pagan courts. He doesn’t put down the courts, except that believers should take care of issues among themselves. He even suggests that it is better to be wronged or cheated than to sue in the court system. I wonder how literally we take this message?

    Sexual immorality: Paul says, "flee from it!"

    Marriage: Does it seem to you that Paul is against marriage? I would be interested in your comments.

    Food sacrificed to idols. I can eat and do anything I want! However, I need to condition my behavior on the spiritual maturity of my neighbor. I think the issue that this example relates to today has to do with the consumption of alcohol. Would anyone care to pick up that hot potato?

    Who will not inherit the Kingdom of God? What has made Christians not "their own?"

    6: 9-11 Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders 10nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. 11And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.

    6:19 You are not your own; 20you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body

    For what reason does Paul recommend that people remain in their current status in life?
    The end is near! 7:29 29What I mean, brothers, is that the time is short.
    What is the issue with food offered to idols? What is Paul's solution?

    The issue is whether people should eat meat that has been offered to idols. It is more serious than saying "well, just find some other meat somewhere else. Literally all the meat available in that day was somehow connected to being offered first to a god before it was eaten. So, the predicament is whether or not a person will eat meat or become a vegetarian. Quite serious indeed.

    Paul begins his response by stating that idols are nothing at all. They have no power. There is only one God and we know it. Not everyone knows this. There are those folks in Corinth who come from such a pagan background and whose faith is so weak, that eating this meat reminds them of their former way, their former god, the former rituals and it bothers them and in his conscience he so despises his former way of life that he refuses to eat such meat. Paul states that the reality is food doesn’t make us more or less godly, or closer or further from God. It is no big deal!!

    However, (And that is a big HOWEVER) don’t let what you do be a stumbling block of faith for someone else. If someone weaker in the faith (as described above) sees you going into the pagan temple to get your meat,(no big deal for you) won’t he be tempted to go against his conscience (sin) and go and eat as well. And, maybe be caught back up into his former way of life? You will have caused him to stumble.

    Pauls solutions is that if it bothers my brother in the Lord, I will not do it because I do not want him to stumble.

    So how do we apply that today?

    • While we are free to go anywhere we desire, do we have a responsibility to those weaker in the faith Christians, to limit the places we frequent?

    • I also think the direct application today of this issue has to do with whether or not as a Christian it is okay to drink alcohol. Is it or is it not? Just because I may have the freedom to do that, do I have the right to do it?

    • What effect does my attitude have on those around me? Do I take into consideration their strengths and weaknesses? Am I my brother’s keeper?