Thursday, January 31, 2008

Romans 4-5

What does the law bring?
The law brings wrath. God's anger!

What is not present when there is no law?
The value of the laws is found in what it reveals. While it does noting to restore, it reveals to us how far we are from God.How has God proven his love for us? While we were still in our sins Jesus died for us

What does that mean?
It means that God chose to bring us back into relationship with him through action, not words, warm fuzzy feelings, philosophy, or intellectual verbiage.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Romans 1-3

How does Paul define the Gospel?

The gospel is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes

What happens when people fail to honor God as God and thank him?

When we fail to honor God or thank God our hearts are darkened. We become foolish because we think ourselves wise but are not. For we have exchanged the truth of the gospel for mere images

What happens when we pass judgment on another?

We judge ourselves. For, we are as guilty as they. We do the same things we accuse others of doing. O how true!

For what reason can no one be justified/saved in God's sight by the law?

The purpose of the law is not to bring us salvation or to save us. The purpose of the law is to make us conscious of sin. A mirror does nothing to make us look good. Simply, a mirror shows us what needs to be fixed.

Since all have sinned how are we then justified/saved?

We are saved through faith in Jesus Christ. No matter who we are Jew or Gentile the way of righteousness is the same. 3;24 states we, are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

1 Timothy 4-6

Why is the behavior and treatment of widows a concern?

The resources of the church (at Ephesus) were quite limited. And, while the church had a responsibility to the widows, they did not have unlimited resources. So the needs had to be prioritized. The general teaching Paul gives to Timothy is that those who are able to care for themselves should. Those who have families to care for them should be cared for by their families. Those who seek for the church to provide care should have some relationship with the church. Rather than a Carte Blanche responsibility, the responsibility of the church is first to those of the church.

Now, how well do we take care of the widows of the church who are in need?

What is the root of many kinds of evil? Of what are Christians to take hold?
The love of money is the root of many kinds of evil. Christians are to take hold of the eternal life found in Jesus. Do we eagerly pursue money and take for granted our salvation? should it not be the other way around?

Monday, January 28, 2008

1 Timothy 1-3

For what reason(s) is Paul instructing Timothy with this letter?

Paul is instructing Timothy to stay in Ephesus (is he wanting to bailout?) And command certain men not to teach false doctrines, nor devote themselves to myths and endless genealogies. It seems that these false teachers were focusing on the law,which Paul implies is good for those who are lawbreakers, not the righteous.

For whom are we to pray? For what reason(s)?
We are to pray for everyone.(2:1) Which reminds me, several years ago I started putting the Interfaith councils prayer list in the Bulletin and Newsletter. The list included faith communities which were clearly not Christian. More than one person took me to task for including these groups as a focus of our prayers. Here Paul’s admonishing the Ephesians to remember everyone in prayer, not just fellow Christians. Read I Timothy 2:1 again

What guidelines are given for leaders in the church?

    • For overseers, bishops, pastors (Greek word is "Episkopos") the guidelines are:
      Above reproach, the husband of but one wife, temperate, self-controlled, respectable, hospitable, able to teach, not given to drunkenness, not violent, gentle, not quarrelsome, not a lover of money, manages his own family well and see that his children obey him with proper respect, not a recent convert, have a good reputation with outsiders.

    • For Deacons
      The guidelines are are similar. They are to be worthy of respect, sincere, not indulging in much wine, and not pursuing dishonest gain, keep hold of the deep truths of the faith with a clear conscience. They must first be tested; and then if there is nothing against them, let them serve as deacons. They must be the husband of but one wife and must manage their children and household well.

    • Similarly, their wives are to be worthy of respect, not
      malicious talkers but temperate and trustworthy in everything.

Would anyone like to comment on the meaning of "but one wife"?

  • Is Paul’s instruction saying that a man must be married? Must never remarry after his wife dies? Cannot remarry after getting a divorce? Cannot be divorced? In that day when polygamy was common, only one wife at a time?

  • If you have a response I would like to hear it as well as what you base your response on. Do you base your resposnse on what someone else has said? Your understanding of the scripture? What was going on in the culture of the day?

  • How do we quantify the other guidelines such as worthy of respect? what tests are to be given? How much is too much wine? How does one conclude whether a household is managed well?

  • Is Paul presenting a broad instruction such as, that leaders in the church should be of good character as understood by the norms of the day? Or does Paul intend that his instruction be specific to every congregation for all time?
  • Sunday, January 27, 2008

    James 3-5

    What makes the tongue such a dangerous weapon?

    It cannot be tamed. 1:6 6The tongue also is a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body. It corrupts the whole person, sets the whole course of his life on fire, and is itself set on fire by hell.

    What happens when we wish to be a friend of worldly things?
    We become haters of God. So much of what we are and what we have is invested in the world. Too bad...

    What is the result of bringing back one who has wandered from the truth?
    It will save and cover a multitude of sins

    Saturday, January 26, 2008

    James 1-2

    Does God tempt us? How are we tempted? To what can temptation lead? To what does sin give birth? What's the difference between doers and mere hearers of the word?

    God does not tempt us. The implication of the word "tempt" is to get you do make the wrong choice. God doesn’t do that. God instead, "tests" us to get us to make the right choice.

    Temptation comes from our own evil desires which leads us astray into sin and after sin has run its course it leads to death.

    Hearers of the word are those who hear the Word but do not follow it. Doers not only hear the Word but put the Word into practice. There is no lack of those who have heard the Word. We know what we are supposed to do and how we are supposed to live.

    We are quick to give advice, critique what someone else is doing, and make our own plans. We are slow to actually put it into practice. How often have we herd people say, "Walnut Street Baptist Church ought to be doing such and such, reaching so and so." Yet, ask them what specifically are they doing to bring their plan into reality and , some how, for some reason they consider themselves exempt.

    Remember, the laborers in the field reap the harvest!

    What is the danger of showing partiality between rich and poor? What is the royal law of scripture? What is the result of failing in just one point of the law? What is faith without works?

    The danger of showing partiality is that you sin and are convicted by the law as lawbreakers. The royal law of Scripture is to love your neighbor as yourself. You cannot do that if you are partial to some over others.

    The result of failing in one area of the law is to break all of the law.

    Friday, January 25, 2008

    1 john 3 - 5

    How are the children of God to love?

    We ought to lay down our life for one another. Interesting statement to say the least. I’m sure literally it means giving up our physical life for one another. Who is willing to do that? Our response might be, well it depends on who it is. Or we might refer to those who serve in the armed forces and protect us with their very life. And end the discussion there.

    But there is a much deeper meaning to this command. It is the same as in Romans 12: 1-2 Where we are commanded to offer ourselves as living sacrifices to God.
    Sacrificing yourself, and laying down your life for someone else has much more to do with the day to day choices you and I make. We make those choices from the standpoint of what is best for us and our family, rather than what is best for the group or for someone else.

    To somewhat illustrate this point I refer to going though a buffet line. You are first in line or at least near the front. The line is long, the food is limited. Here’s the question, do you fill your plate or do you half fill it in consideration of those who are behind you? And, if there is food left over you can get back in line after everyone has gone through once.

    This may not be the best illustration but it does go to the heart of the matter. How willing are we to be inconvenienced and do with a little less or without, so that someone else might have something?

    For me this is what love is all about! How much do you love.... yourself ??? ....others??? It is evident to all isn’t it?

    How do we know the Spirit of God? The spirit of the anti-christ? Where is love from? Why do we love?

    Those teachings which acknowledge that Jesus has come in the flesh is form God. John is referring to a heresy that claimed that Jesus really did not come in the flesh. They believed that the flesh was evil. So God could not be kept in the flesh. While that heresy is still around today. The greater application of this statement is that we can tell a lot about a teaching (spirits) when we focus on what they believe and teach about Jesus. That is the modern day test.

    The heresy is of the anti-christ. Love is from God and we love because the example of Jesus in loving us first, even though were unlovely. If God can love someone as unlovely as me, I ought to be motivated to love someone I consider unlovely.

    Who are the world's conquerors? God gave us eternal life; where is it?
    Those who have been born of God are the world’s conquerors. They are the ones who believe that Jesus is the son of God. Eternal life is in God’s Son, Jesus. Now that is quite simple and to the point isn’t it?

    Thursday, January 24, 2008

    1 John 1-2

    What do we do if we say that we have no sin? If we confess our sin?

    If we say we have no sin we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. However, if we confess our sins, God is able and willing to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

    What do those who live in the light do? Those who live in darkness?

    Those who walk in the light follow the example of the light, Jesus. They love their brother. (Other Christians. Not just other Christians, but those Christians they work with, live with, and worship with)

    Those who live in darkness are filled with hate and stumble around.

    Wednesday, January 23, 2008

    Mark 13-16

    Who put the greatest offering into the temple treasury? How much? (From Chapter 12)

    The widow. She put in all she had, two small copper coins. If that is the measurement of determining the value of our offering then we in the United States, who routinely out give the world, really don’t give very much. Maybe the real measurement of the value of our offering is not in how much we give…but how much we keep! How much do you keep for yourself? or, maybe another way to put it is, how much do you spend to maintain your lifestyle? Or, do you just like to hold on to it so you can determine where it goes and how it is spent? How much does God receive?

    What did Jesus say would not pass away?

    Heaven and earth will pass away, but God’s word will never pass away.

    When would Jesus drink again of the fruit of the vine?

    He would drink it again in the s Kingdom of God. That is, after his resurrection

    Where did Jesus suggest his captors could have arrested him?

    They could have arrested him in the temple. However, they were afraid to for fear of the people.

    Why did Peter deny Jesus?

    Was it fear? When faced wit the challenge of running away or steadfastly moving forward in the midst of fear which do you choose? Isn’t that the point Mark is attempting to make with his gospel. What are you going to do when your fearful of being persecuted; or losing your very life?

    Whom did the people want set free instead of Jesus? What was his crime?

    Barabbas; an insurrectionist, a revolutionary. He was really trying to overthrow the physical government

    As he was dying whom did Jesus think had forsaken him?

    God! Jesus was quoting from Psalm 22. Had God really forsaken Jesus?Did God really turn his back on Jesus? Read Psalm 22…

    What was the reaction of, the women to the message that Jesus had been raised?

    They were afraid!

    Tuesday, January 22, 2008

    Mark 9-12

    What were the disciples arguing about as they traveled to Capernaum?

    The disciples were arguing over who was the greatest in the Kingdom of God. They were arguing over who would have the highest office when Jesus came into power. Of course, they were expecting a place of honor and ease.
    Who will never enter the Kingdom of God?

    Unless you become as little children you can never enter the Kingdom of God. Jesus is focusing on the innocence and trust of children. Also, children in Jesus’ day were of little or no value. They were expendable. Perhaps there is a connection betweenwhatJesus says here and his discussion about servanthood. To enter the Kingdom of God we need to consider ourselves expendable, care little what value the world places on us, and be willing to be servant of all.

    What two disciples wanted Jesus to do a special favor for them?

    James and John

    What can faith in God take up and throw into the sea?

    This mountain.. I Think Jesus is referring tot the Temple which sits on a mountain. By faith the temple of God resides within us not at a place.
    Should we pay taxes?

    Give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar. Give to God what belongs to God. We pay our taxes whether willingly or reluctantly. Do we give to God what belongs to God or do we embezzle it, by skimming off the top for ourselves?

    Monday, January 21, 2008

    Mark 5-8

    What did Jesus tell the man who was set free from demons to do?

    Mark 5:19 "Go home to your family and tell them how much the Lord has done for you, and how he has had mercy on you."

    Interesting statement Jesus makes. The most natural place for us to share what God has done for us is at home, among our family, friends, and areas of influence. People are often adamant in their talk about the need to share the gospel with those around the world. And yet, ask these same folks what they are doing to share the gospel here at home, and the answer is usually very little. So it is mostly talk.

    If we follow Jesus’ command to the former demon possessed man we would see a growth in God’s kingdom at home and there would be a larger base to reach out to those around the world. As I understand the great commission it begins at home (however, it doesn’t end at home either). For far too long we (WSBC) have neglected the mission field at home. We desperately need to support with our finances, talents, testimony, and time the opportunities for missions here in our communities. When we invest at home we will have a much stronger base to reach out beyond ourselves. Of course, it is so much easier to give a few dollars, send it away, feel good about what we have done, and believe we have done our part for the cause of the gospel.
    We need to practice this biblical truth, "Go to your homes, tell your family and friends how much the Lord has done for you, and how God has been merciful to you!"

    What prevented Jesus from doing deeds of power in his hometown?

    A lack of faith. Isn’t that still the case today. Would God do greater deeds of power among s if we had greater faith? Of course the amount of faith we have is evidenced by what we are willing to attempt.

    What moved Jesus to compassion for the crowd on the lakeshore?

    They were like sheep without a shepherd. He had compassion on those who were wondering about aimlessly without direction or purpose. How do we look at folks like this? With Compassion? Or with little patience?
    How did the Syrophoenician woman challenge Jesus?

    What a marvelous comeback. When Jesus rebukes her rudely, and appears as if he is calling her a dog, she states, "even the dogs under the table eat the children’s crumbs." In interpreting this passage one must take into consideration Mark’s audience. His audience is Roman/gentile. While Jesus was focused on the Jews, theywere not his exclusive focus, as evidenced in this exchange. In fact, this exchange shows that non-jews were much more receptive and had a greater faith in Jesus than the Jews did. Often the case is that those who have great privilege and should know better are found lacking. While those who you least expect have a far greater understanding. So it is today. Those who are introduced to the gospel rather than born into it seem to have a far greater understanding and a greater desire to follow than those who have been a Christian for a number of years.

    When Jesus fed the 5,000 he began with 5 loaves. How many did he feed the 4,000 with?

    7 loaves. Were these two different episodes, or the same one told in a different way?

    Why did the disciples worry about bread after leaving the crowd

    Sunday, January 20, 2008

    Mark 1-4

    How is the beginning of Mark different from the beginning of Matthew?

    It begins not with the birth of Jesus but with the beginning of Jesus’ public ministry (his baptism). Also Mark begins where malachi leaves off. Malachi prophesies of one who is to come and prepare the way for the Messiah. He names him Elijah. Mark picks up that theme and recognizes John the Baptist as the Elijah. Also Mark reads at a much faster pace. A lot happens in just a few verses.
    For whom was the Sabbath made?

    The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath. The day was provided for our rest and refreshment. It was provided so that we might refuel not only our physical life but also our spiritual life. It was provided for our benefit. We were not provided for the benefit of the Sabbath.

    Who are Jesus' brothers and sisters?

    Jesus looked around and claimed all those who do the will of the father are his brothers and sisters. Jesus’ family was trying to get him to come home. They thought he had gone off the deep end. They were concerned about their reputation as much as they were concerned about Jesus. They were trying to put him quietly away.

    The growth of God's kingdom has small beginnings like what kind of seed?

    What did Jesus do that moved the disciples to ask, "Who then is this..."?

    Saturday, January 19, 2008

    I Corinthians 13-16

    What is the greatest gift?

    The greatest gift is love. When love becomes the foundation of our life then all the other issues will fall into place. However, love is not always exciting. Often it is hard. The kind of love Jesus talks about and the Old testament wrote about is a love that puts others before self. "Love the Lord..above all...and Love your neighbor as much as you love yourself.

    What problem did speaking in tongues cause for the church at Corinth?

    According to Paul’s instructions it seems as if tongues had caused confusion in the church. Tongues continue to cause confusion in churches today. Everyone was speaking at the same time. Unbelievers present had no idea what was going on.

    Paul gave instructions concerning speaking in tongues in church
    1) Only one or two during a service
    2) Only one at a time
    2) An interpreter must be present to interpret.
    3) Women should not speak in tongues at all in church.
    4) Everything should be done in a fitting and orderly way.

    What kind of body will the resurrected body be?

    A spiritual body. That does not mean it will be without physical attributes. It will be that and more. We shall have a body like Jesus!

    We are to keep alert, stand firm in faith, be courageous and strong and let all that we do is to be done in ________________?


    Friday, January 18, 2008

    I Corinthians 9-12

    What is the nature/character of Christian freedom?

    Paul articulates the nature and character of our freedom in chapter 9. Basically, I think Paul is saying that we have the freedom and the right to do many things. However, Paul chooses rather than to exercise his freedom to become a slave to all, because if his overwhelming desire to fulfill his ministry of reaching people with the good news of the gospel;. "I became all things to all people so that by all possible ways I might save some." (9:22)

    (10: 23-24) "Everything is permissible"—but not everything is
    beneficial. "Everything is permissible"—but not everything is constructive.
    24Nobody should seek his own good, but the good of others."

    When we have that same desire and put it into action then we will see the hand of God move in mighty ways!

    For what purpose does Paul lift up the wilderness experience as a warning against overconfidence and going through the motions?

    As an example of what we should not do. SO we would not suffer the same consequences as they did.

    What abuses are occurring at the sharing of the Lord's Supper?

      1. Everyone eats when they arrive.
      2. They do not wait on one another.
      3. They eat without considering those who are behind them.
    • If you are more focused on the food and wine than on the fellowship of the meal;
    • If you can’t wait on everyone to get there before you eat, if you are only thinking of yourself as you go through the line, if you are only focused on the food, then stay and eat at home.

    What are some of the grace gifts of the Spirit? Why are they given?

    The gifts are given for the common good. Again, as written in an earlier blog, our gifts are not our own to be used as we deem appropriate. (12:7)7Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good.

    (12:8-11) These grace gifts include: wisdom, the message of knowledge, faith, gifts of healing, miraculous powers, prophecy, distinguishing between spirits, speaking in different kinds of tongues, the interpretation of tongues.

    Thursday, January 17, 2008

    1 Corinthians 5-8

    What disorders does Paul lift up in the behavior of the Corinthians?

    Immorality of a man marrying his step mother. This was forbidden by Jewish law and even Roman society looked down on this kind of behavior. And yet, It was not only happening in the church, those involved did not see anything wrong with it.

    Lawsuits. The church members were suing each other. Providing a poor example
    to the non-believing world. Paul suggests engaging arbitrators to settle arguments rather than going to the pagan courts. He doesn’t put down the courts, except that believers should take care of issues among themselves. He even suggests that it is better to be wronged or cheated than to sue in the court system. I wonder how literally we take this message?

    Sexual immorality: Paul says, "flee from it!"

    Marriage: Does it seem to you that Paul is against marriage? I would be interested in your comments.

    Food sacrificed to idols. I can eat and do anything I want! However, I need to condition my behavior on the spiritual maturity of my neighbor. I think the issue that this example relates to today has to do with the consumption of alcohol. Would anyone care to pick up that hot potato?

    Who will not inherit the Kingdom of God? What has made Christians not "their own?"

    6: 9-11 Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders 10nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. 11And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.

    6:19 You are not your own; 20you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body

    For what reason does Paul recommend that people remain in their current status in life?
    The end is near! 7:29 29What I mean, brothers, is that the time is short.
    What is the issue with food offered to idols? What is Paul's solution?

    The issue is whether people should eat meat that has been offered to idols. It is more serious than saying "well, just find some other meat somewhere else. Literally all the meat available in that day was somehow connected to being offered first to a god before it was eaten. So, the predicament is whether or not a person will eat meat or become a vegetarian. Quite serious indeed.

    Paul begins his response by stating that idols are nothing at all. They have no power. There is only one God and we know it. Not everyone knows this. There are those folks in Corinth who come from such a pagan background and whose faith is so weak, that eating this meat reminds them of their former way, their former god, the former rituals and it bothers them and in his conscience he so despises his former way of life that he refuses to eat such meat. Paul states that the reality is food doesn’t make us more or less godly, or closer or further from God. It is no big deal!!

    However, (And that is a big HOWEVER) don’t let what you do be a stumbling block of faith for someone else. If someone weaker in the faith (as described above) sees you going into the pagan temple to get your meat,(no big deal for you) won’t he be tempted to go against his conscience (sin) and go and eat as well. And, maybe be caught back up into his former way of life? You will have caused him to stumble.

    Pauls solutions is that if it bothers my brother in the Lord, I will not do it because I do not want him to stumble.

    So how do we apply that today?

    • While we are free to go anywhere we desire, do we have a responsibility to those weaker in the faith Christians, to limit the places we frequent?

    • I also think the direct application today of this issue has to do with whether or not as a Christian it is okay to drink alcohol. Is it or is it not? Just because I may have the freedom to do that, do I have the right to do it?

    • What effect does my attitude have on those around me? Do I take into consideration their strengths and weaknesses? Am I my brother’s keeper?

    Wednesday, January 16, 2008

    I Corinthians 1-4

    1January 16, 2008

    What was the nature of the divisions at Corinth that concerned Paul?

    The divisions were based on personalities Some said they followed Paul, others Appollos, others Peter (Cephas), and still others Christ. Perhaps today it could be compared in the political world to the different parties or even different personalities of each party. I am a follower of Obama, or H Clinton, or Huckabee, or Thompson, or Gulianni, or Edwards, and on an on... when in fact we lose sight of the fact that we all belong to the United States of America.

    Often this is seen in the factions in church where one follows one leader and another a different one. It soon becomes a power game. And the cause of the Kingdom is sacrificed at the altar of one or another’s focus on what is of importance.

    In the church we have one mission; one reason for existing. Walnut Street Baptist Church has defined this mission through these words, "The Mission of Walnut Street Baptist Church is to lead people to become fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ." We will achieve our mission through worship, evangelism, fellowship, discipleship, and ministry.

    These five purposes get out of balance when personalities forget we have only one mission and believe the church should focus more on one purpose than another. Which then becomes the source of many of the divisions within the church.

    It appears that this was at least part of the issue in the Church at Corinth.

    How is the message of the cross received? (1:18ff)

    For those who are perishing, (haven’t received it) the message is foolish. However for those of us who are being saved (Interesting use of words - are you saved or are you being saved?), it is the power of God.
    What is wiser than human wisdom? Stronger than human strength? (1:27)

    I Corinthians 1:27 reads, "27But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong." God is wiser than human wisdom. The power of God is stronger than human strength. We have no basis for boasting.

    What has no eye seen, nor ear heard, nor heart conceived?

    No one can even imagine all that God has prepared for those who love him. However, God has revealed it to use through His Spirit. But even then, we can only really imagine for we do not have the capabilities of our 5 senses to fully inhabit all that God desires to give to us.

    1 Corinthians 2:9ff - What God has prepared for those who love him. However, God has revealed it to us through the Holy Spirit.

    Who planted? Who watered? Who gave growth? What is the goal? Who is the foundation? Who is God's temple? Who dwells in that temple?

    Let's see, Paul planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God made it grow! and the goal is the harvest. The goal is to for that seed (the planting of the seed of the gospel) to grow. Only God can make it grow.

    Too bad we spend so much energy, time, and talent, trying to force growth. I think our resources could be better spent planting more seed. We are the Temple of God. The presence of God dwells in us. Today, some of the Jews and many Christians are looking for the Temple to be rebuilt.... It's not going to happen. The temple of God already has been rebuilt .. in us!

    Paul writes this letter for what purpose? The Corinthians may have many guardians but not __________________________ ?

    4:14 "14I am not writing this to shame you, but to warn you, as my dear children. 15Even though you have ten thousand guardians in Christ, you do not have many fathers..."

    He writes not to shame them but to warn them. He encourages them to imitate his life.

    Tuesday, January 15, 2008

    Titus 1-3

    January 15, 2008
    Titus 1-3

    What was Titus to do in Crete? What are the guidelines he is to apply?

    In Crete, Titus was to appoint elders to all the churches. The word "elder" is used to mean Bishop, or overseer. It appears that these were to be preachers. Note that they weren’t voted on, but appointed. The guidelines Paul give to Titus include, they must be blameless, married to only one wife, their children must be believers, not quick tempered, nit given to drunkenness, or violence. Instead, he must be hospitable, love what is good, self-controlled, upright, holy, & disciplined. He must hold the trustworthy message so he may encourage others with sound doctrine and refute those who oppose it.

    How does the grace of God train us to live our lives?

    Rather than being a crutch that encourages us to sin, grace teaches us to say no to ungodliness and worldly passions. And, to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age, sa we wait for the coming of Jesus. Not here that the qualifications for elder are very similar to the characteristics that all Christians should have. There is no double standard.

    To what does the water of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit refer?

    The water of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit refers to the grace of salvation and eternal life offered by God.

    Monday, January 14, 2008

    I Peter 3-5

    January 14, 2007 I Peter 3-5

    In the time of Noah water destroyed all but 8; what does it do now? For what reason was the gospel proclaimed to the dead?

    I Peter 3:18-20
    Many Questions here... "he went and preached" (Jesus)

    Where did he go? When did he go? What did he preach? Who were the spirits in prison? Why was the preaching to just the disobedient people in Noah’s day? How were 8 persons saved through water?

    Let me offer some (5) possible interpretations. These are from a list Ray Summers compiled for the Broadman Bible Commentary- (Volume 12), 1972

    1) That Jesus between his death and resurrection went to the world of the dead (Hell) to proclaim that he was suffering because of their sins.

    2) That Jesus went to proclaim his lordship even over the dead; to empty hades of the righteous who had died before that time.

    3) To proclaim to the disobedient spirits that the redemption of God which had been offered to them and they rejected had now become a reality. They were wrong (made the wrong choice) and were suffering only what they deserved.

    4) That Jesus went to proclaim salvation; to exhort the disobedient to repent; to offer them a chance (a second chance for some?) For salvation. This is a widely held view. HOWEVER - why was the preaching directed ONLY to the disobedient of Noah’s day?

    5) That the passage does NOT relate to a descent of Jesus into hell at all. RATHER it teaches that the same SPIRIT which made Jesus alive (Resurrection), had witnessed to disobedient people at the time of their disobedience while Noah was building the Ark. Hence, the preaching took place at the time of their disobedience through the Spirit. This theory makes most sense to me (as it does to Ray Summers).

    The sign of Noah and his family’s obedience to God is seen in their ascent into the Ark when it was completed.

    In Genesis 6:1-3 God allows the people 120 years to repent. And, each day Noah and his family and workers were building the ark is a warning to them as to what is going to happen. Perhaps in the power and presence of the SPIRIT the people are witnessed to by Noah and his family. Maybe not even in words but through their actions!

    They were saved not so much "through" the water as "from" the water.

    Baptism is not a removal of dirt from the body. Nor, is it a removal of spiritual filth. Peter viewed baptism as an appeal (demand) for a clear conscience. If you take out the explaining clauses of Verse 21 you get this,"Baptism..saves you...through the resurrection of Jesus Christ." You see, it is the power of the resurrection which saves you NOT Baptism.

    Baptism in early Christian thought and practice was an essential part of one’s experience because it was through baptism that one made his public confession. In other words that was how you did it. Today, we might say it is "walking down the aisle"

    Romans 6:3-4 it is the identification with Jesus’ death & resurrection
    to a new life. In the 2nd Century of Christianity this became so emphatic that the candidate would take off his old clothes, enter on one side of the pool, was immersed, went out on the other side, and put on new clothes.

    For this person, baptism, symbolized (much more than that) the fact that he died with Christ, been buried with Christ, and been raised with Christ to a new resurrection kind of life. Now that, is a dramatic picture of a clear conscience before God!

    For what must we keep alert?

    Our enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Peter commands us to resist him and stand firm in the faith, remembering, there are many others around the world going through the same (and even more difficult)sufferings.

    Sunday, January 13, 2008

    1 Peter 1-2

    January 13, 2008

    With what have we been ransomed from the futile ways of our ancestors?

    With the precious blood of Christ, a lamb without blemish or defect.

    What kind of stones are we to be? Built into what?

    We are to be living stones ... like Jesus ..we are being built into a spiritual house to be a royal priesthood offering spiritual sacrifices.

    Also of note: (1:9-10) 9But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. 10Once you were not a people, but now you are the people of God; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy.

    Notice in this passage how we, who are in Christ are the Israel of the Old Testament. This is what the Israelites were called to be ... and do. (declare the praises of God who has called us out of darkness). They refused and were passed over. Will we be passed over if we refuse our purpose?

    Saturday, January 12, 2008

    Ephesians 5-6

    January 12, 2008

    How are we to deal with our anger?

    The scripture implies that in fact we will get angry. Anger in and of itself is not what Paul is writing against. It is the harboring and holding of our anger. I am not sure Paul literally means that we should not let the sun go down on our anger. But I know he does mean that we should not hold onto our anger. Nor, should we pick it up the next day. While anger in itself is not sin it can lead to sin, when it gets the best of us. And, we have all experienced those times when our anger has gotten the best of us and led to sin.

    Forgiven in Christ how should we be?

    Kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving of each other. We especially enjoy the forgiveness of God but unfortunately we aren’t as joyful in offering forgiveness to others. However, the fact remains to the extent God has forgiven us we should be forgiving of others.

    Name the 1st commandment with a promise?

    Honor your father and mother. If that is always true, (which I believe it is)

    • How does one honor their parents.

    • What if their parents were not "good" parents?

    • What if they were abusive or criminal?

    • Realistically how does one do that.

    • Give me some specifics?

    What should fathers not do?

    Fathers, do not exasperate your children. MY children remind me of that passage often. Sometimes I think that is the only scripture passage they know!

    Friday, January 11, 2008

    Ephesians 3-4

    To and by whom was the mystery of Christ revealed? What does it mean?

    The mystery of Christ was revealed to Paul by revelation of the Holy Spirit. Paul attempts to explain the mystery which is that because of the gospel both Jews and Gentiles are heirs of the promise of God. My question for you is - So what is the gospel?

    What is the purpose of the gifts that God gives in Christ?

    To prepare God’s people for works of service for the purpose of building up the body of Christ. The goal is a unity in faith and knowledge of the son of God.

    And we probably thought that God gave us gifts so that we could use them for our own edification. What I mean is, we have this God given gift and when we are asked to use it in serving others, we hem & haw and hesitate and offer up reasons WHY we cannot use our God given gift right now.

    Thursday, January 10, 2008

    Ephesians 1-2

    January 10, 2008

    When did God put his power to work in Christ?

    When God raised Jesus from the dead and seated him at his right hand.

    What does being saved by grace mean? For what have we been created?

    Salvation is all from God without any merit on our part. We could never be good enough, work hard enough or long enough to deserve salvation. I often wonder why once we are saved we spend so much energy trying to deserve our salvation and so little time enjoying our salvation. Perhaps that is one reason why we are so hesitant in sharing our faith with others.

    We don’t appreciate the joy of our salvation enough to want to share it with our friends or are motivated enough to make friends with those who are in need of the gift of grace we have received.

    We have been created to do the good works that God had prepared for us to do beforehand.

    Wednesday, January 09, 2008

    matthew 26-28

    January 9, 2008

    Did Jesus really want to suffer and die?

    Want to? No, not at all. But it wasn’t about him, and what he wanted. It was what the Father wanted. It was about fulfilling his purpose and having the resolve to see it through.

    Whose ear was cut off in the garden of Gethsemane?

    The servant of the high priest

    Why were there swords present? Didn't Jesus ask them to bring swords? If Jesus could and would heal the high priests ear could he not have kept the enemies at bay? Did he need the swords?

    What did Jesus' betrayer get for his efforts? What did he do with it? What did he do with himself? What was done with his reward for betrayal?

    Judas received 30 pieces of silver for betraying Jesus into the hands of the religious leaders. Seized with remorse he threw the money into the temple and went out an hanged himself. The money was used to purchase a burial site to bury foreigners.

    What caused Judas to be seized with remorse? Perhaps he too, thought that Jesus was a political messiah and he was working too slowly. By turning Jesus over to the religious authorities he may have thought he was forcing the hand of Jesus to make his move. When the plan blew up in his face and it appeared that Jesus was going to die, Judas, realizing he blew it is overcome with guilt by his mistake.

    While the other disciples were not a part of this plot they were just as much a betrayer of Jesus as Judas! Weren’t they?

    Did Pilate really want to execute Jesus? What did Pilate do to express where he stood in regards to Jesus' execution?

    Pilate tried his best to put the decision of execution off to someone else..anyone else. Fearing for his position if the crowd got out of hand and Rome learned about it, he gives in and has Jesus executed. He attempts to absolve himself of guilt by "washing his hands of the situation." Note that Pilate’s wife has a dream....

    What is the price we pay when we allow fear to temper our actions?

    Where did Jesus meet the disciples after his resurrection? Where did he tell them and all his followers to go and what were/are they/we to do?

    Tuesday, January 08, 2008

    Matthew 24-25

    January 8, 2008

    At what hour will the Son of Man come? How can we be
    ready for him?

    That no one knows when Jesus will return is evident from this
    discourse. Our task is to be prepared at all times. Our
    preparedness will be evidenced by our devotion to the task
    regardless of the state of the world. (24:45ff) We need to be
    diligent in the work God has called us to do.

    This is key in living as followers of Jesus in a secular world. Do
    the work. Do not look back and do not look too far ahead. Do
    the work!

    Also, Jesus appears to be describing two events. One is the fall
    of Jerusalem - (Please note that while these events are taking
    place BEFORE the fall of Jerusalem, more than likely they are
    being written down AFTER the fall of Jerusalem and he
    destruction of the Temple.) - the other event is the return of
    Jesus at the end of the age.

    According to 'The Parable of the Talents' what should we
    do with the gifts God entrusts to us? What should we not
    do with those gifts?

    WOW! This is simple. We should invest all that God has given
    us, expecting a return on investment (interest). We invest our
    gifts in people! We should not hide them, bury them, ignore
    them, pretend we don’t have any, or consume them.

    However, that is exactly what we most often do. And, it has far
    reaching ramifications for the church... for WALNUT STREET

    The question is NOT - What should we do? What is God calling
    us to do? Where is God leading us? What is God’s will for us
    (individually & as a congregation).

    The question is why aren’t we already doing what we already know we
    should be doing? Why aren’t we already investing those talents and gifts
    God has already given us? Why aren’t we already making the most of
    what we have right now?

    Naturally we have many good reasons for NOT exercising our
    gifts. I wouldn’t argue with anyone for not stepping up and using
    them. However, the message of the parable is that our reasons
    are not good enough, nor are they acceptable to God.

    I believe the reason we hesitate and refuse to invest our gifts
    has to do with fear! It is not that we lack faith but we are afraid.
    Fear disrupts our faith and becomes a huge obstacle to trusting
    and obeying God.

    Growth always involves risk and risk always involves fear - the
    fear of failure and the fear of success.

    The greatest consequence of fear is the loss of availability to

    Tell me how available are you to God? That is the $64,000
    question isn’t it. The future of this congregation hinges on your
    answer to that question.

    What festive meal did Jesus celebrate with his disciples for
    the last time?

    Monday, January 07, 2008

    Matthew 21-23

    January 7, 2008

    What was it that motivated Jesus to raise a ruckus in the temple?

    The motivation that inspired Jesus to act was seeing the outcasts (gentiles) unable to worship. The money changers had set up shop IN the temple, specifically in the court of the Gentiles. This was the only area open to non-Jews in which they could worship.. It wasn’t the selling that upset Jesus, for that was to be expected. After all, many came from miles away and were unable to bring with them the spotless sacrifice that was required. They were dependent upon the local merchants. This had become a thriving business. I believe this was the straw that broke the camel’s back as far as the religious leaders were concerned. In spite of all else that had happened between Jesus and the religious establishment, Jesus messing with their money forced them to act. So they begin to put a plan into action.

    And of course, money is the issue that motivates action for most folks. Talking and planning and modest actions are acceptable. But when I have to reach into my wallet and back up my talk, plans, and activities with cold hard cash ...well.... that changes

    What is the greatest commandment?

    To love God with all our heart soul mind and strength; and to love others and be as concerned about their welfare as much as we love and are concerned about ourselves. It is not rules, but the rule of God in our heart and life that marks the true follower of Jesus.

    In describing God's caring love and protection for his people what kind of animal action does Jesus use to illustrate his point?

    As a mother hen gathers her chickens, so God desires to gather the people under his wings and care for them. Interestingly, this is a rare image of God revealing God’s nature as a female. Our common image of God is of a strong powerful male. However, God is neither male nor female. God is God.

    Sunday, January 06, 2008

    Matthew 18-20

    January 6, 2008

    According to Jesus how should we go about resolving disagreements in the church? How many times should we go through this process?

    1 - Go to the person and present the issue. The desired outcome is that the issue gets settled, and everything goes forward. Note that the first step is not to talk about it with your friends and neighbors.

    2 - If that doesn’t settle the issue, then take one or two people with you and see if the issue can’t be settled. At least the issue will be put on record (testimony of two or three). Again note that the discussion is limited to only a very few.

    3 - Finally, if no resolution is forthcoming take it before the church. If this does not work then shun the person. Shunning had greater ramifications in Jesus day than today. Everyone was dependent upon everyone else for survival.. Today we can exist and thrive on our own with limited involvement with others. So be shunned in Jesus day was an act that threatened the very survival of an individual.

    Note that the goal is to set things right and restore the relationship!

    What makes it hard for a rich person to enter the Kingdom of God? Is it impossible?

    It is the material things we have accumulated that we become so attached to that become the center and focus of our attention.

    The parable of the Laborers in the Vineyard is not a very good model of how to run a successful business operation. What is the point of the parable?

    God isn’t predictable. It is the owner’s vineyard and it is God’s creation. They are free to act and do as they desire. What right do we have to quibble with that?

    The Jews thought they were the ones who had worked hard from sun up and were entitled to special reward. The Gentiles are "Johnny come lately’s." They just appear on the scene. Would they have the same standing as the devout Jews? Would they get the same reward?

    I think the point of the parable is that in the Kingdom of Heaven God turns things upside down. Don’t expect to be able to figure it out. But more importantly, be willing to accept it.... ooh , there’s the rub....

    Remember, Matthew’s audience is a Jewish- Gentile church that is daily becoming more Gentile. The inclusion of this parable would help the Gentile standing in the Church.

    Saturday, January 05, 2008

    Matthew 15-17

    January 5, 2008

    What is it that defiles a person?

    Jesus said it is what comes out of a person that defiles them not what goes in. The Jews made such a big deal about the things they ate, touched, and drank. They were so taken with appearances which they related to being righteous.

    If only they were so attentive to the things that came out of them. That is where true righteousness is revealed. Their vocabulary, attitude, and air of superiority were a reflection of what was really inside of them.

    They were emphasizing the wrong things – majoring on the minors.

    Also note here that Matthew is once again commenting on the law. The law is not an outward act to be followed but an inward attitude to be lived out in daily life.

    Peter makes a great confession about the identity of Jesus and then sticks his foot in his mouth. What did he say in each case?

    The great confession of Peter is that Jesus is the Christ (Messiah) the son of the Living God. While Peter said the right words we can only wonder what he meant. How did he see the role of Messiah? Was it as an earthly kingdom or a spiritual kingdom?

    I think Peter confessed more than he knew or understood. Just as when we confess Jesus we don’t understand what it all means. In other words, like Peter, we don’t have it all figured out.

    Evidently that is not important because Jesus commends Peter for his confession that is NOT the result of intellectual reasoning but revealed by the very act of God.

    But then Peter puts his foot in his mouth when Jesus tries to move Peter’s understanding forward by revealing the kind of Messiah (Christ), Jesus really is... One who is going to die and be raised up to life.

    Peter takes Jesus aside and rebukes him, “Don’t talk like that, you’ll give the wrong impression…”

    Jesus’ response for satan to get behind him is satan’s second attempt (as revealed by Matthew) for Jesus to take another route. It is another test of Jesus’ will.

    From where did Jesus tell Peter to get the temple tax?

    Peter gets the temple tax from the mouth of a fish. Interesting to say the least ... Not only does Jesus pay his tax but also Peter’s.

    Jesus recognizes that even though he is not legally required to pay, (he is the Son of God), at the risk of causing an offense he graciously complies; again putting his rights aside for the sake of others.

    Friday, January 04, 2008

    Matthew 11-14

    With whom does Jesus identify John the Baptist?

    Elijah. Jewish leaders believed that Elijah would return to announce the arrival of the Messiah. (See Malachi 4:4-6) Matthew connects Jesus to the Old Testament prophesies through this statement of Jesus.

    Is it lawful to cure on the Sabbath?

    Evidently curing an animal on the Sabbath was considered to be acceptable. If that is the case for an animal how much more acceptable it should have been for a person. It is always lawful to do good! Notice the attitude of the Pharisees. Even now they are conspiring over ways to have Jesus killed.

    For what will people be forgiven? For what will they not be forgiven?

    Every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven except blasphemy against the spirit. Every word spoken against the "Son of Man" will be forgiven but not words spoken against the "Holy Spirit." This begs the question of the "unpardonable sin." Which I believe is the sin of not accepting Jesus as Lord and Savior. The purpose of the Holy Spirit is to point people to Jesus. (See John 16:5-11)

    If we do not respond to the Holy Spirit and accept Jesus then we have committed the sin which cannot be forgiven.

    Chapter 13 is packed with the "parables of the Kingdom." What things does Jesus say the Kingdom of God is like?

    Like a man who sows seeds in his field and weeds grow along with the seed. Like a mustard seed Like yeast Like a hidden treasure. Like a fine pearl that is worth all that we have to obtain it. Like a fishing net.

    But what do these parables mean?

    Why did Herod do away with John the Baptist?

    Trying to impress his guests Herod made a vow to give Herodias’ daughter anything she asked. When she asked for the head of John the Baptist he had to follow through.

    Thursday, January 03, 2008

    Matthew 8-10

    January 3, 2007
    Matthew 8-10

    Why did Jesus eat with tax collectors and sinners?

    Tax collectors and sinners referred to the "cast offs" of society. They were easily ignored. That is until, Jesus sat down and ate with them. They were the ones who needed what he had to offer. But more importantly, they were the ones who were willing to receive what he had to offer. Jesus told the religious leaders to,"go and learn what this means: 'I desire mercy, not sacrifice.' For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.." (9:12)

    So, what have you learned about the meaning? Specifically, what did Jesus mean by desiring mercy more than sacrifice?

    Jesus sent the 12 disciples out to the lost sheep of the house of Israel to do what?

    7As you go, preach this message: 'The kingdom of heaven is near.' 8Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those who have leprosy, drive out demons. Freely you have received, freely give. (10:7ff)

    They were to proclaim the nearness of the kingdom of heaven. The era when God would rule. They were to use the power of God to make the impossible, possible. I think it also means that they were to do it freely, with a sense of generosity. The kingdom of heaven is not something to be clenched in our fists but shared with open hands and open hearts. Do we have the power to proclaim the message making the impossible possible? Do we try to keep the kingdom with clenched fists or do we share it with open arms and hearts welcoming ALL who would enter in?

    What will those who lose their life for Jesus sake find?

    They will find the true meaning of their life. How many times have you heard people agonizing over the meaning and purpose of their life? It seems that the answer is simple. To find meaning in purpose in life lose your purpose in Jesus’ purpose for your life. Of course, while the answer is simple, it is in the day to day challenges of life that makes it so difficult to practice. The pull and lure of the "things of this world" are so compelling we often succumb. For Jesus, his encounter and temptation in the dessert with the evil one helped him to settle his direction. Through the struggle he determined his decision and response before the crisis appeared. Times of crises are not the best time to evaluate possible responses.

    Wednesday, January 02, 2008

    Matthew 5-7

    January 2nd, 2007

    What comments does Jesus make about the law?

    Jesus proclaims that he did not come to abolish the law but to fulfill it. And, that those who practice the law are considered great in the kingdom of God. However before we think we have this "following Jesus" all figured out, he throw us a curve by stating that practicing the law is impossible. Reread verses 5:21- 6:18. WOW!

    I believe we often use the law as a substitute for following Jesus. We focus on the law and believe we are doing a pretty good job, especially when we compare ourselves with others! We then think God is appeased and we can go on with whatever we intend to do with our lives.

    Perhaps we should first acknowledge the validity of the law as how we should live our lives. Then, quickly acknowledge that we are completely unable to keep the law, especially as Jesus defines keeping the law (5:21- 6:18). Thirdly, we should throw ourselves on God’s grace and God’s gift of salvation (Jesus Christ). THEN, our natural response would be to joyfully follow Jesus’ direction for our life.

    Chapter 6 contains one version of the Lord's Prayer. What part seems to be missing?

    Worrying is a way of life for many people. What does Jesus say about worrying?

    Have you ever met a worrier who was joyful? Too often we miss out on he joy of being a follower of Jesus. How much of it has to do with worry?? We, like Martha, worry about many things...

    What are you worried about?

    How do you know the true nature of people (or of fruit trees)?

    Wise people build their houses upon rock just as followers build their lives on Jesus’ ?

    The depth of our wisdom is directly connected to the depth of our oundation in Jesus Christ.

    Tuesday, January 01, 2008

    Matthew Chapters 1-4

    The readings for January 1st cover Matthew 1-4.

    Here are a few thoughts that might assist us in our study. I would appreciate your response.

    Chapter 1 is sometimes known as the "begat chapter." Why do you think it is important for Matthew to include this genealogy?

    For me, the importance of beginning with a genealogy gives credibility to what Matthew is writing. This is not a myth, a fable, or a fairy tale. It is an historic fact. It also links Jesus back to Abraham through the line of David. Again, another item to give credibility to Jesus.

    What do you notice about Matthew's Christmas story that is different from what you are used to hearing?

    Mary’s perspective is not presented. Perhaps her perspective had already been widely known while Joseph’s needed to be explained. This account establishes the fact that both Mary AND Joseph believed and agreed to the impossible by faith. I wonder if we would be as accepting to the Angel’s information? Or, would we have been more like Zechariah?

    Was it a request by the Angel? Was it a command? Did Mary & Joseph have options? How did their response affect the events of history? Could they have made different choices? Would God’s plan have been thwarted?

    What about us? Does God make requests? Give commands? Do we have options? How do our responses affect the events of history?

    What prompted Jesus to go into the wilderness following his baptism?

    Jesus’ baptism symbolizes the beginning of his earthly ministry. It is a public rite of passage from the "boy from Nazareth." to the "Savior of the World."

    I wonder if all of us are tested after we make those "big" decisions in life? Perhaps the struggle refines our decision, especially when our decision involves personal sacrifice.

    We like to talk about sacrifice. Maybe the reason we hesitate making those decisions that involve personal sacrifice is is because we dislike the test that comes with it.

    Here are few more thoughts on the question